  • 學位論文


A VR Approach to Explore the Impact of Building Volumes on the Psychological Sense of Pedestrians: Taking the Example of Zhongli District In Taoyuan City

指導教授 : 謝明燁


本研究主要探討當前台灣都市街道中(以桃園市中壢區為例),建築量體與街道形式之間的尺度關係、街道與建築設計元素如何對街道行人的五種心理感知(高度感、開放感、心理壓迫感、街道舒適感、對向人行道之心理壓迫感)產生影響,如何影響?以及台灣目前街道行人之心理感知特性呈現何種狀態。 經由街道調查蒐集資料並建立三維街道模型,透過電腦渲染並以虛擬實境(VR)做為一種街道環境的提示手法,經過實驗與分析,得出之研究結論如下: 1. 街道行人的心理感知受到建築量體與街道形式影響大於街道與建築設計元素,「垂直」距離的變化對高度感、心理壓迫感、對向人行道之心理壓迫感較具有影響力;「水平」距離的變化對開放感、街道舒適感較具有影響力。 2. 開放感與心理壓迫感不全然為相對立的概念,但具有相關性;街道舒適感與心理壓迫感不全然為相對立的概念,但具有相關性;負面感受度(心理壓迫感、對向人行道之心理壓迫感)相較於正向感受度(開放感、街道舒適感)較易數值量化與形容。 3. 以建築設計者觀點進行設計時,建築量體高度須配合街道寬度進行調整,外凸陽台會造成負面感受度上升,無遮簷人行空間退縮距離增加則提升正向感受度,騎樓空間退縮提升開放感,但在不同建築量體高度下心理壓迫感則有不同之特性;以都市規劃者進行規畫時,除了立面與剖面等二維面向之外,「街道深度」的變化,應一同納入考量。 4. 台灣與日本在街道行人心理感知上有著相似的特性,這顯示人類心理感知本能的相似,但在街道空間規劃上仍需依照周遭環境的不同,做出不同的調整。


This study mainly investigated the scaling relationship between the building volume and street patterns of current urban streets in Taiwan (using Taoyuan City’s Zhongli District as an example). It also explored the effects of street and building design elements on the five psychological perceptions of pedestrians (sense of height, sense of openness, sense of psychological pressure, sense of street comfort and sense of psychological pressure from opposite sidewalks) and the current state of the psychological perceptions of pedestrians in Taiwan. A three-dimensional street model was constructed based on the data collected from the street survey using computer rendering and virtual reality (VR) to recreate the street environment. After the experimental analysis, the following research conclusions were drawn: 1. Building volume and street pattern have greater effects on the psychological perceptions of pedestrians than street and building design elements. Changes in the vertical distance have effects on the sense of height, the sense of psychological pressure and the sense of psychological pressure from opposite sidewalks, whereas changes in the horizontal distance have effects on the sense of openness and the sense of street comfort. 2. The sense of openness and the sense of psychological pressure are not completely opposite concepts but are related to each other; the sense of street comfort and the sense of psychological pressure are not completely opposite concepts but are related to each other; negative perceptions (sense of psychological pressure and sense of psychological pressure from opposite sidewalks) are easier to be quantified and described than positive perceptions (sense of openness and sense of street comfort). 3. When designing is based on the architectural designers’ views, building height must be adjusted according to street width. Convex balconies enhance negative perceptions, the reduction of uncovered open pedestrian spaces improves positive perceptions, and the reduction of arcade spaces improves the sense of openness; however, psychological pressure has different characteristics at different building heights. When planning is based on the urban planners’ views, in addition to considering two-dimensional faces such as elevations and sections, changes in street length should also be taken into account. 4. Pedestrians in Taiwan and Japan have similar characteristics regarding psychological perceptions, indicating similar human psychological perceptions. However, street space planning should be adjusted according to different surroundings.


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