  • 學位論文


The Public Sociality of Mozi and Christianity: The Underpriviledge Care between Perspective of Jesus' Love and Ten Arguments of Mozi

指導教授 : 吳昶興


本研究旨在探究共觀福音中耶穌愛觀與墨子十論中的社會公共性,並以文獻分析及敘事批判等研究方法針對耶、墨二者在弱勢關懷所表達之態度及立場。 本論文共分為五章。依序論述墨子十論形成原因,同時以社會公共性的視角探討其中蘊含之弱勢關懷;其次探討共觀福音中的耶穌愛觀,研究其中雙重誡命的《舊約》傳統,以及愛仇敵的倫理觀,探究耶穌愛觀在弱勢關懷的意義;最後聚焦於耶、墨二者愛利觀中平等與差等愛觀、利己與利他原則以及耶、墨二者愛觀底限等課題的探討。 本論文認為耶墨對話中針對社會公共層面的各種討論並非是新的議題,但卻鮮少從弱勢關懷的向度探究耶、墨二者之愛觀的立場與意義。因此,本論文通過上述研究,以及現代社會觀點回應耶、墨對弱勢關懷的立場,以期為該領域帶來新的發現與貢獻。


The purport of this research is to delve into the “public sociality” within two trains of thought: Jesus’ perspective of love inside Synoptic Gospels and “ten arguments of Mozi.” By approaches such as document analysis and narrative criticism, this research elucidates their viewpoints of and stances on the care for underprivileged groups. There are five chapters. To start with, we will first expound the formation of “ten arguments of Mozi” and make a thorough discussion over the care for underprivileged groups. Next, by scrutinizing the perspective of Jesus’ Love, and reexamining the traditional meaning of double Commandments in Old Testament and the ethic of loving enemies, the significance of the care for underprivileged groups in the Synoptic Gospels will be further indicated. Lastly, we will focus on the equal and hierarchical love, egoism and altruism, and the bottom line of love between Jesus and Mozi. The theme of public sociality is not quite new among various topics of the dialogue between Jesus and Mozi. It is rare, however, to see a comparative interpretation about the viewpoint of the care for underprivileged groups between the perspectives of Jesus’ love within the Synoptic Gospels and “ten arguments of Mozi.” Accordingly, as a reflection on the stances of Jesus and Mozi on the care for the underprivileged groups by above-mentioned discussions with contemporary sociology, this research aims at providing new perspectives and contributions to related fields.


1. 聖經資源中心。《聖經》和合本。
2. 環球聖經公會。《聖經》研讀本。二版。
3. 聯合聖經公會。《聖經》和合本。
