  • 學位論文


A Study of Interior Design’s Professional Qualification Accreditation

指導教授 : 劉時泳


本研究旨在探討室內設計專業資格之認證制度現況及發展趨勢。本研究目的為探討室內設計作為專門職業之獨具內涵與專業技能,比較國內外室內設計之專業資格認證發展及影響因素,並分析國內室內設計之專業資格認證所遭遇的挑戰。 本研究透過國內外文獻蒐集與分析,採用質化研究之訪談法,邀請室內設計領域專家學者進行深度訪談。依據資料分析之結果,彙整結論如下:室內設計專業資格認證方式與各國文化背景、教育制度高度相關;國家考試仍是我國專業認證方式之首選,將室內設計納入專技人員考試具相當必要性;室內設計師之核心能力為滿足內部空間使用者需求,與建築師知能與職能不同但互補。 本研究提出之建議如下:現行室內設計相關管理辦法與實務有不小落差,有待立法機構研議修訂;室內設計專業認證考試需各界積極參與,以提升考試認證之效度與信度;此外,室內設計高等教育與實務需求仍有落差,有待產官學界共同發展解決之道。


The purpose of this study is to explore the development, challenges and trends of the interior design’s professional qualification accreditation. Purposes of this study are: exploring the uniqueness, professional knowledge and skills of interior design; understanding the development and influencing factors of interior design’s qualification accreditation in different countries; analyzing difficulties and challenges encountered during the development of interior design qualification accreditation. Based on the research of literatures and in-depth interviews with experts, the following conclusions are made: The framework of interior design’s qualification is highly correlated with the culture and education system. The national examination is the most preferred approach in Taiwan and it is of crucial importance to include interior designer into professional and technical examinations. The core competence of interior design is to meet specific user’ s need in interior spaces, being different but complementary expertise to the architecture. This study has following suggestions: There is a gap between the current interior design practice and the scope defined by law; the Legislative Yuan shall acknowledge the changing scope of this profession and consider to amend the law. The function of professional and technical examinations requires participation from all stakeholders to ensure the effectiveness and validity of the examination. The gap between the curriculum framework and the industry need remains an issue for interior design as a profession. The industry, the government and the academia need to work together for developing the proper solution.


文化內容策進院(2021)。2020年台灣文化創意產業發展年報,台北市:文化內容策進院。2022年1月5日,取自 https://taicca.tw/article/3fe3fd2a
文化內容策進院(2022)。2021年台灣文化創意產業發展年報,台北市:文化內容策進院。2022年7月10日,取自 https://taicca.tw/article/f9e44cd3
