  • 學位論文


Several Suggestions for the Future of Corporate Reorganization Law in Taiwan

指導教授 : 朱德芳


摘 要 近年來國內產業結構有明顯的改變,傳統產業的外移與高科技產業如雨後春筍般地出現,但無論是傳統產業或所謂高科技者均是技術、資金與人才緊密的結合,若有不慎,伴隨著的是高風險倒閉的可能,公司一旦發生經營不善,就債務清理上究係任其破產而進行清算,以退出市場,或為維持公司存續走向重整。所涉及的層面甚廣,不僅關係到投資大眾之投資,可能血本無歸,還關係到員工是否失業,往來供貨之交易廠商,亦面臨倒閉之連鎖反應,甚至牽涉到公司債權人債務清償或金融機構呆帳之問題,並擴大影響到整個產業的發展,其與國家、社會及個人之權益實息息相關,其影響層面不可謂不大。 我國公司重整制度即是為預防公司破產所導致的缺點所形成的一種制度。在公司發生財務困難時,為調和股東、債權人及員工等利害關人之利益衝突,使有重建更生可能之公司透過完善的公司債務清理的程序,調整其資本結構及經營體質,使公司得以生存以圖謀公司股東、債權人及員工之整體「社會財富極大化」。但由我國司法實務上的觀察,公司之重整制度存有“適用性”不佳,導致利用率不高,即令勉為使用,其估不論花費之成本多高,而順利達到公司重整更生之目的更是鳳毛麟角。再者就完成重整之個案而言其所耗之時間過長,甚至遠高於本國一般中小企業之平均存活期。是以對於重整制度之存廢曾經引發學者、專家、甚至實務界人士爭議不休。公司重整制度既然社會有其需求且其存有諸多使用上的問題,實宜進一步加以檢討之必要。 行政主管機關亦體認到公司重整制度所引至的問題並存有其修法的迫切性。適值,西元2005年行政院經濟建設管理委員會委託學者專家制定「公司重整破產法草案」,本文即從司法實務、學者文獻及專家意見來觀察上開草案所可能存在的適用問題,以利日後真正立法時能發現問題並作為思考的參考,並能改善我國現行公司重整制度之「效率不彰」與「分配不公」的情形。使我國公司重整制度能發揮其債務清理的功能,進而創造各利害關係人多贏的局面。


ABSTRACT Industrial structure in domestic market demand in Taiwan has changed in recent years, with most apparent changes occurring in traditional enterprises moving outwardly and prosperity in high-tech industries, both of which are strongly associated with technology, financial capital, and human resources. If businesses are run carelessly, corporations are at high risk of going out of business or bankrupt. Once this occurs, corporations will go into liquidation or reorganization, which will inevitably affect the investment market and the society as well. In other words, the outcome of a corporation bankruptcy could contribute to a variety of problems, such as unemployment, non-absolved debt, and uncollectible financial accounts, which will require some assistance in finding resolutions. These problems are dramatically interfering with the stability of our society. The system of corporate reorganization was mainly created for alleviating the consequences mentioned above. Corporations facing financial problems could file for corporate reorganization. With corporate reorganization, the corporation could reach a resolution to satisfy the overall financial responsibilities and have harmony among its employees, stockholders and creditors, and maybe even revitalize the business. However, in realistic judicial practices, some regulations seem to be inadequate for the purpose of the corporation reorganization mechanism. Moreover, the time from filing a corporate reorganization to having a resolution is too long and typically exceeds the average business lifespan of SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises). As a result, specialists and scholars debate on whether to re-write or abolish the current corporate reorganization rules and regulations. That is, due to the fact that the characteristic and requirement of corporate reorganization have received criticism in the practical use and practice, there is a need for evaluating and analyzing the legislation of corporate reorganization, and in fact, making it the top priority. The authorities are concerned and realized the importance and urgency of corporate reorganization in practice, so the CEPD proposed a “corporate reorganization and bankruptcy” act in 2005. This act is attempting to research and indicate the dispute among the drafts, hoping to solve the problems, inefficiency, and injustice in present corporate reorganization system and contribute to legislation that will create a harmony among conflicts of interest with the litigants by means of judicial practice, related-literature, and opinions thus far.


1. 王文宇,控股公司與金融控股公司法。
1. 臺灣臺中地方法院八十八年度整字第五號民事裁定。
3. 最高法院民國56年台抗字第320號民事裁定。
4. 臺灣高等法院91年度抗字第104號民事裁定。
5. 最高法院93年度台抗字第178號民事裁定。
