  • 學位論文


An Analysis on Business Start-up Service Satisfacion at University Incubation Center- A Case Study of University

指導教授 : 李正文


我國育成中心(Incubation Centers)是以孕育新事業、新產品、新技術及協助中小企業升級轉型的場所,藉由提供進駐空間、儀器設備及研發技術、找尋資金、商業諮詢服務等有效地結合多項資源,降低創業及研發初期的成本與風險,創造優良的培育環境,提高中小企業成功的機會。 本研究主要是希望能對育成中心的觀念與本質作充分的瞭解,說明育成中心培育新興企業的方式與其育成之績效,並選定桃園縣地區唯一培育重點以電子機械、光學技術、資訊為重點培育領域的C大學創新育成中心為研究的對象,95年度促成投/增資金額逹新台幣2.4億元,分析C大學創新育成中心之創業服務品質績效、專業經理人之專業度及顧客滿意度之關聯性。 由於本研究受到人力、財力與時間限制,研究範圍設定於一學校做分析,先鎖定進駐中、離駐及畢業的廠商來做施測對象進行研究,問卷之設計,引用相關文獻,依各家廠商提供的員工人數發出193份問卷,總共回收121份,其中扣除空白問卷等無效問卷5份,共計116份有效問卷,有效問卷回收率60.10%。本研究除了以相關分析與典型相關來了解服務品質績效、專業經理人之專業度及顧客滿意度關聯性研究,且以逐步迴歸分析來探討各構面因子之間的相關性。 本研究發現:(1)服務品質實際感受對創業發展實質協助有顯著相關;(2)服務品質實際感受對顧客滿意度有顯著相關;(3)服務品質實際感受對專業經理人之專業度有顯著相關; (4)顧客滿意度對專業經理人之專業度有顯著相關;(5)顧客滿意度對創業發展實質協助有顯著相關;(6)創業發展實質協助對專業經理人之專業度有顯著相關。 本研究建議管理者應給予育成中心廠商發展期間 、重視育成中心的設立目的、成立產學研發中心、考量廠商投資損失給予育成服務費抵減、加強服務品質提昇計畫、要維護進駐廠商之品質、加強對育成中心人員培訓,這樣才有更效的讓育成中心的服務品質更好。


Taiwan’s incubation center is a place to breed new enterprise, new product, and new technology. By offering space, instruments, research assistance, and helping to seek funding, business consultation, the incubation center effectively utilizes multiple resource to reduce the cost and risk of business start-ups and create better nurturing environment for small and medium-sized enterprises. The purpose of this research is to understand fully the concepts and essences of incubation center, to explain the methods it incubates new enterprises and its effectiveness. The incubation center of National Central University is selected because it is the only one at Taouan county that focuses on electronics machinery, optical technology, and information technology. During 2006 academic year, the total amount of investment including recurring one reached 2.4 New Taiwan dollars. This research analyzes the correlations among service quality, professional managers’ professionalism and customer satisfaction. Because of the human resource, time, and financial limits, the scope of this research is confined to one university. It locks on in-house firms, firms left, and graduating firms as pools for questionnaire and relevant documentation. the design of the questionnaire, relevant literature, the number of staff that offer in accordance with every manufacturer sends out 193 questionnaires, retrieve 121 altogether, 5 invalid questionnaires in blank, it is 116 valid questionnaires altogether, percentage of recovery is 60.10%. This research discover (1) It is shows service quality has effect business development (2) It is shows service quality has effect customer satisfaction (3) It is shows service quality has effect professional manager’s expert (4) It is shows customer satisfaction has effect professional manager’s expert (5) It is shows customer satisfaction has effect business development (6) It is shows business development has effect professional manager expert In this research, we recommend the administrator incubate companies during the development focus on the purpose of incubation centre establish, R&D development centre establish, consider manufacturer investment loss offer, improve the service quality, maintain the quality of companies, increase the incubation centre employee training, to let the service quality better.


5. 杜阿仙(2003),服務品質、顧客滿意度、行為意向關係之實證研究-以工業技術研究院育成中心為例,國立成功大學企業管理研究所碩士論文。
