  • 學位論文


The Review of Guang-Hua Market in Space, Memory and Cultural Landscape

指導教授 : 胡寶林


本研究探討「光華商場」的場所精神與文化地景的變遷過程。空間上以光華商場及周邊街道區域為研究範圍,時間主要從民國60年光華陸橋興建開始至今。本文採取詮釋學研究觀點,從相關文獻、訪談與實地參與觀察等方式蒐集研究資料,研究對象包括公部門相關人士、當地鄰里居民、商場攤商、自治會管理階層、一般市民、周圍攤販、盜版小販、文獻作者與土地占用戶等等。研究者透過場所精神與文化地景理論形成自身理解視域,從而詮釋所得到的資料並進行書寫。 本研究首先探討「光華商場」場所精神的歷史性存在。文中關於場所的分析,從歷史發展過程的回顧、空間實質環境的變化,到日常生活片段的描述與身體經驗的追憶,最後點出場所中社會意義的表徵。大量的訪談文本透過層層書寫,呈現出光華商場在市民記憶中,各個不同面向的認同與歸屬感,從而歸結出光華商場豐厚的場所精神本質;接著將書寫廣度擴大到都市脈絡中,揭露光華商場在周圍都市地景中的文化意涵。透過其中財富、權力、法律與專業技術等的實際運作資料,印證地景變遷歷程中所牽涉之文化、社會、政治、經濟、空間與心理等多重向度,並揭露其間的權力競逐與意義詮釋的動態過程。 研究結果認為,舊光華商場歷經33年橋下歲月,不論在空間特性、場所認同與歸屬感上,都累積豐富的市民記憶與場所意象,早已展現市民多元旺盛的生命力,並凝聚出動人的場所精神,是台北市中難得的都市文化地景。其場所精神的靈魂骨架是「市集尋寶式」的「邊緣聚落」的認同感。然而,在歷經兩次拆遷過程後,政府的介入與商場組成成員陸續更替的情況下,原有場所精神不斷流失,消融在更大規模的商業利益之中。新大樓無法延續市集式多樣性的動人特質,在新商場中找到的頂多是商業特色園區的「購物商場式」的中性場所精神。今後如何重新凝聚市民認同與歸屬,將是「光華數位新天地」的重要挑戰。


This study explored the transition of Guang-Hua Market about the Spirit of place and the Cultural landscape. The scope is including the market and the surrounding neighborhood, and the period is from the 60th years of Republic Era, when the Guang-Hua Bridge was constructed. This thesis is a qualitative study within Hermeneutics. The research data was collected from literatures, interviews and participant observations. The objects are including civil servants, local residents, store owners, the Guang-Hua Market committee, citizens, street vendors, piracy vendors, literature writers and land occupier. The researcher has interpreted the data and written by the theory of Spirit of place and Cultural landscape. First of all, this study discusses the historical spirit of Guang-Hua Market. The analysis represents the social meaning through the review of development process, physical environment changes, descriptions of everyday life, and memories of body experience. This study attempts to present kinds of identity and belonging in citizens’ memory, and then concludes the Spirit of place in Guang-Hua Market. Next, these descriptions show the culture meaning of Guang-Hua Market within urban context. As the practical operation of wealth, authority, law and profession technique, it also proofs the different dimensions of landscape transition in culture, society, politic, economy, space and psychology. As the result of this study, for 33 years under the Guang-Hua Bridge, the old Guang-Hua Market has been accumulated abundant memories and images in spatial character, identify and belonging. These show the vigorous vitality, and condense a charming Spirit of Guang-Hua. It’s a rare cultural landscape in Taipei City. The primary Spirit of Guang-Hua is the identity of the village market where can always find kinds of treasuries inside. However, after twice dismantle process; old Spirit of Guang-Hua has been losing caused by the government intervention and the changing of market members. It was dissolved under a bigger commercial benefit. The new building can’t keep the charming characters of market, and it is now just like a shopping mall. It will be an important challenge to condense citizen’s identity and belonging in the new Guang-Hua Digital Plaza.


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