  • 學位論文

華人的印象形成— 關係脈絡思考與個人脈絡思考

The Processes in Impression Formation - Personal Context Thinking vs. Relational Context Thinking

指導教授 : 孫蒨如


本研究主要目的在探討印象形成的歷程中,相關他人訊息所扮演的角色,以及動態建構的思考脈絡可能引導的印象改變。在過去有關印象形成的研究中,鮮少有人探討到目標人物周遭相關他人訊息對印象形成的影響,但對重視群己關係的華人而言,這實在是非常重要的議題。另外也因鮮少有人討論相關他人訊息的影響,所以也未曾有研究者考慮過印象形成是否也是一種動態建構的歷程,在本研究中希望藉由一系列實驗,針對這些議題做進一步的探討。 實驗一主要探討僅有相關他人訊息供參考時,個體是否能依此形成對目標人物的印象,以及在先閱讀相關他人訊息時,亦即引發關係思考脈絡時,會如何影響印象評價。筆者預期在引發關係思考脈絡時,個體看到相關他人訊息後會對目標人物產生預期,而當相關他人與目標人物的關係越緊密,預期他們相似的強度就越強,因此當後續再接收到的本人訊息與預期相違背時,期待越強則會產生越大的對比效果,對目標人物的印象改變也就越大。實驗二則主要在探討引發個人思考脈絡時,印象評價的改變又是如何。筆者預期在這種狀況下,個體會以所接收的本人訊息先對目標人物產生一個基本的印象,而後再接收相關他人的訊息時,會依原先形成的印象類化後來的訊息,且當相關他人與目標人物的關係越緊密,所產生的類化效果越大,對目標人物印象評價的改變就會越小。研究結果顯示,個體確實可以僅由相關他人訊息來形成對目標人物的印象,只是會認為此時的印象評價正確性只有中等程度。而引發關係思考脈絡,閱讀父親訊息的組別,其對目標人物的印象改變大於閱讀朋友訊息的組別。而引發個人思考脈絡的個體,在閱讀父親訊息後,其對目標人物的印象評價改變量顯著低於閱讀朋友訊息組。研究結果大致支持了筆者的觀點。


Two experiments were conducted to investigate whether information of relational others has effect on people’s impression formation and how relational -contextual and individual-contextual thinking styles affect the processes of impression change. In experiment 1, participants read the information of relational others first, then the information of the target person was given. The author hypothesized that when relational contextual thinking was activated, contrast effect would occur. In other words, information of relational others led to expectation, and the closer the relationship was, the stronger the expectation would be. Thus when the following information of target person was opposite to the expectation, the greater the expectation, the greater the impression change. The results gave support to the hypothesis: the impression change was greater in the father information condition than the friend information condition. In experiment 2, participants’ individual contextual thinking was activated by reading target person’s information first. It was predicted that after forming a basic impression of the target person, participants would use the impression to assimilate the following information of relational others. The closer the relationship was, the easier the assimilation would be, and as a result, the impression change would be smaller. The results of experiment 2 also gave support to the hypothesis: the impression change was smaller in the father information condition than the friend information condition. Further implications were also discussed.


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