  • 學位論文


The Study of Hotel Industry Innovation Business Model

指導教授 : 顧志遠


旅館業從單純的房間住宿漸漸演變至今日生活品味、享受的代表;旅館業者以客戶需求為出發點創造新的價值、新的產品,讓消費者獲得新的體驗與感受。創新的商業模式將可協助企業脫離紅海競爭市場,讓企業保有競爭優勢,創造更多的獲利空間。 本研究採用多重個案研究法,針對我國交通部觀光局之不同種類旅館,如國際觀光旅館、觀光旅館、一般旅館、民宿等四種旅館型式,選定具有代表性之五個案業者,分別就Voelpel,Leibold and Tekie(2004)提出經營商業模式的價值主張、核心策略、資源部署、組織設計、價值網絡、產品設計、營收機制、財富潛力等八個構面去了解業者之創新作為想法。 最後,再針對五家業者的初級訪談資料,藉由紮根研究的系統性歸納,建構各旅館之八大構面理論架構圖,了解國內不同種類旅館業者的創新商業模式典範。


Hotel has gradually evolved from original simply rooms for stay to today’s representation of lifestyle and enjoyment. Hotel industry should base on customers’ demands to create new value, new products, and make consumers to have new experiences and feelings. Innovative business models will help companies get rid of the Red Sea competitive market so that companies will maintain competitive advantages and create more profit margins. This study used multiple cases study in accoudance with the Taiwan Tourism Bureau’s different types of hotels, such as international tourism hotels, general tourism hotels, general hostels and home-stay hotels, and selected representative five cases respectively to research their innovative ideas and practices by 8 dimensions of the business mode which Voelpel, Leibold and Tekie proposed in 2004: business value proposition, core strategy, resource deployment, organizational design, value network, product design, sales mechanism, the wealth potential. Finally, we adopted grounded theory to induce systematically the interview primary daya from 5 hotels to construct a conceptual framework which includes eight dimensions of hotel innovative business model. This mode can help us to understand the practical paradigms of different types of domestic hotels’ business model.


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