  • 學位論文

產業專家會計師對金融商品公平價值 攸關性之影響

Do Industry Specialist Auditors Improve the Value Relevance of The Fair Value of Financial Instrument?

指導教授 : 李先莉




The financial accounting information quality and financial transparency was being improved in Taiwan, to make financial information more reliability and the relevance. The purpose of these study are that difference between the value relevance of the fair value of the financial instrument and other assets & liabilities, that do industry specialist auditors improve the value relevance of the fair value of financial instrument ? The results show that the difference between the value relevance of the fair value of the financial assets and other assets, but the difference between the value relevance of the fair value of the financial liability and other liability. Besides, industry specialist auditors are more positively associated with value-relevance in auditor industry specialist than non industry specialist auditors.


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