  • 學位論文


Reconstruction of Acceptance System–A comparison with FIDIC contract and public construction contract in Taiwan

指導教授 : 姚志明


摘要   在我國公共工程契約中,驗收的地位是非常重要的,不僅是承包商可否向定作人請求報酬的關鍵,亦為承包商所完成之工作的危險負擔移轉關鍵,惟我國法令與現行主要的公共工程契約並未對驗收有一個完整的規範與定義,至多僅為程序性的規範而已,缺少了一個對於驗收及其相關概念的統合性、完整性論述,從而驗收及其相關制度由我國民法上的概念進行檢視後即生有齟齬,使得工程實務界與法律實務界對於驗收及相關的理解日漸疏遠。   我國現行制度下,除了法令規章方面的密度不足外,現行主要的公共工程契約彼此間對於驗收及相關規範亦未趨於一致,亦與通行全球的國際型公共工程契約規範相去甚遠,此舉不論是就吸引外國團體來台投資或專業團隊來台參與公共工程,亦或是我國投資或專業團隊參與外國的公共工程方面,均造成一股不小的阻力,正因如此將我國現行的主要公共工程契約與通行全球的國際型公共工程契約相互比較並進行修正與配合的腳步更需加快。   而基於公共工程契約的特殊性使然,本質上雖為民法承攬契約性質的公共工程契約,亦產生了某種程度上的質變,在公共工程契約的情況下由工程實務界所發展而來的估驗款、保留款制度甚或是對於定作人於公共工程契約中究竟有無進行驗收的義務等傳統民法承攬契約上不曾出現的爭議,某種程度上當無法藉由民法的相關概念進行妥善的解讀與適用,也因定作人並不具備掌握和理解工程相關專業知識的情況下,而衍伸出的工程司制度於我國法院實務上對其的性質定位亦有所爭執,故此,本文遂將我國較為主要之公共工程契約與通用全球之國際顧問工程司協會所研擬之公共工程契約進行比較以及將我國現行的民法法理進行交互修正與參照,希望能藉此整理與杷疏我國現行公共工程契約之不妥善,而於結論部分提出本文所試擬之較為可行之公共工程契約條款於後,以求我國將來修法之參考或提供建議的方向導引。


驗收 FIDIC契約 工程司 估驗款 保留款


Abstract   The acceptance plays an important role in public construction contract in Taiwan, not only the point which the contractor could get payment from the employer or not , but the risk sharing of the achievement. In our country,just some rules for the acceptance, we are lack of an integral standard and formal definition in our legislation and public construction contract. We don’t have a detailed statement for the acceptance and we may get wrong results after being examined by civil law. Because of it,there are more and more different explanations of the acceptance between the construction and the legislation.   Under the legal system in Taiwan, the legislation of the acceptance is weakness and empty.It’s not the same specifications of the acceptance for the major public construction contracts each other in Taiwan and the global construction contracts in the world .It is a big problem that attracts foreign investments groups in collaboration with our groups in Taiwan and our investment groups is hard to make an investment overseas. Now, we must compare with global public construction contract and correct the mistakes first,then make some integral rules for the public construction contract in Taiwan.   Although the public construction contract is one of the hire of work in the civil code,based on the characteristic of public construction contract,it’s different from the hire of work in the civil code.Under the public construction , In this situation we can’t used our active civil theory or article to explain or make clean like the Interim Payment、Retention Money and the employer should Take Over the contractor’s finished work or not, and because the employer doesn’t have enough engineering sense or professional knowledge, we developed the Engineer system, But discussed about The Engineer characteristic in our judge system too, Therefore, this paper take our main public construction contract to make clear by global public construction contract, Hope to make sense and arrange each other, And try to draft some must correct article sentence in the end, As well as to be the direction when our public construction contract be revised.


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