  • 學位論文


The Study of Confession Rules

指導教授 : 黃朝義


摘要 本文分為五章,第一章就有關自白之定義、概念區別做一介紹,第二章就自白之證據能力為闡述,第三章就自白之證據價值為分析,第四章就共犯、共同被告之問題做一探討,第五章為結論。 本文就自白證據能力之問題,以我國刑事訴訟法第一百五十六條之不正訊問方法做一分析,至於如何確保被告自白之任意性方面,則分別由英美法及日本法上有關被告緘默權及律師權之保障做探討,對應我國之相關制度。 承接自白證據能力之探討後,接續探討自白證據價值之問題。首先就自白證據價值為說明,再分析補強法則之沿革及理論基礎。至於之共犯、共同被告之分析,除探討共犯、共同被告之自白,對他共犯或他共同被告而言是否具有證據能力,並分析在共同被告間之自白可否互為補強證據問題。 結論在強調白白雖具不可替代性,但在現今社會下,自白之取得更需遵循程序正義及維護被告人權。




Abstract This article consists of five chapters, of which the fist one talks about the meaning and generalization of the confession, the second chapter explains the capabilities of the evidence in confession, the third chapter analysis the value of the evidence in confession, the fourth chapter discusses on the relative problems of the joint criminals and co-defendants, and the final chapter is a conclusion of the articles. Based on the National Criminal Law Proceedings §156, I’ve proposed and discussed relative problems of the evidence capabilities. As regards how to protect the defendant’s voluntary in his confession, I’ve made a cross-check with the national relative law systems upon a study and analysis of the protective for defendant’s silence and counsel rights in USA and Japan law. The value of the evidence in confession is continuously discussed upon study of the capabilities of the evidence in confession. First of all, I’ve explained the value of the evidence in confession while I’ve also listed out the supplemental rule theory. As regards to analysis of confessions of joint criminals and co-defendants, I’ve not only study whether the confessions of joint criminals and co-defendants are qualified as an evidence to others, but also analysis whether the confessions in between are qualified as supplemental evidence. The conclusion of this article emphasizes the must of confession, however, under the current legal environment, obeying due process of law and maintaining human rights should further be considered in the process of obtaining confession.


confession rules


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23、 黃朝義,共犯或共同被告自白之相關問題-評最高法院八十八年度台上字第三八○號判決,月旦法學雜誌第七一期。
24、 黃惠婷,不正訊問方法之禁止-最高法院八十九年度台上字第一四五六號判決評釋-,台灣本土法學雜誌,二○○一年,十六期。
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