  • 學位論文


A Study of Implementing Enterprise Resource Planning System

指導教授 : 皮世明


論 文 摘 要 過去的資訊系統主要應用於企業的內部,而隨著網際網路的興起,資訊系統的運用已擴及到整個供應鏈上下游的整合,因此,企業E化的議題在這幾年掀起了軒然大波,也形成了企業提升競爭力的利器與必備的要件。 企業E化的碁石在於企業內部的基礎建設,包含硬體設施的整體網路規劃及軟體設施的資訊系統,許多企業資源規劃系統的軟體供應商都號稱自己的企業資源規劃系統是最佳的範例,有許多導入成功的案例,卻也有許多導入失敗的案例。也有許多顧問服務的供應商號稱自己擁有最堅強的導入團隊及幫企業改造的最佳顧問,但很多都是資淺顧問師。引進國外企業資源規劃系統的套裝解決方案似乎是各大企業的最愛,但使用國內企業資源規劃系統的整合方案也似乎是最佳的選擇,綜觀整體,有些企業導入成功,也有些企業雖然是系統上線但卻績效不彰,更有許多企業遲遲無法將系統正常運作。 此外,許多的資訊人員常常從許多的錯誤中學習才得到了許多的經驗,而學術界在企業資源規劃系統的研究也都較偏向於問卷式調查,個案的情境研究探討仍屬有限,因此,本研究希望透過一些個案的探討,來提供企業做企業資源規劃系統導入的參考。 依企業實施企業資源規劃系統的階段過程來說,其過程可分為導入的前置作業、導入中運作的實施與導入後維護的三個階段。本研究鎖定企業在實施企業資源規劃系統的導入前運作的實施要點與導入中運作的實施要點,並針對新公司新系統導入與新舊系統轉換的新系統導入,所面臨的情境做深入的分析與探討。期望能藉此個案研究能縮短資訊人的學習時間,並希望對企業主或資訊人在選擇與導入企業資源規劃系統的過程中能有所幫助及實施企業資源規劃系統導入的參考。


ABSTRACT In the past, information technology/information system (IT/IS) is mainly applied in the corporation. With the growth of the Internet, IT/IS has extended to the consolidation of the whole supply chain. Therefore, the e-business has been increasingly popular and becomes a crucial instrument to improve the corporate competitiveness. The success of e-business lies in the infrastructure of the corporate, including not only the hardware of integrated networks but also their coupled software. All of the enterprise resource planning (ERP) system vendors claimed that their solutions are the best practices, but in many cases, there were still many failures. Although those vendors declare that they employ the best consulting team the help the corporate in the business process reengineering (BPR), those consultants are often inexperienced. However, it seems to be the most popular for the local enterprises to implement their ERP systems by using package software. In general, some companies implement their ERP systems successfully; some did not perform effectively in their newly on-lined system, and more failed. In addition, many IT/IS personnel learned their lessons from numerous failures and the academic research on ERP tends to be conducted by questionnaire, in which the case-study method in rarely engaged. Thus, this study expects to provide the corporate with the implementation references through a series of case studies. The implementation of the ERP system can be divided into three stages, including the evaluation process before the installment, the installment process and the maintenance process after on line. This study explores the issues related the first two stages of ERP implementation process: the evaluation and installment process, and analyzed the situations confronted by the new company to implement its new ERP system and the old company to renew its current system with the new ERP system. The study aims to help the IT/IS personnel shorten their learning cure and provide the senior management with useful implementation tips.


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