  • 學位論文

建構6 Sigma在國內醫院之導入模式

Implementation Model of Six Sigma for Hospital

指導教授 : 江瑞清


由於國民教育普及,民眾生活水準提升,人權意識及消費者意識抬頭,提升了民眾對於醫療的需求,加上市場的開放使得醫院在自由競爭的前提下,面臨著前所未有的經營困境,能否通過考驗而屹立不搖? 或是不知不覺地慘遭淘汰? 全視經營者能否洞燭機先,強化企業體質,改變營運模式,提升競爭力而定。 6 Sigma是屬於一種長期的企業變革方案,藉由邏輯性的思考、咸熟的統計工具及突破性手法之運用,達到降低變異、提升品質、大幅降低成本、縮短交期、提升企業獲利及達到全方位的顧客滿意的目的。正因為如此,目前6 Sigma的發展深受企業認同,並被廣泛的運用在各種流程之上。我們深信,6 Sigma不但是一種管理的哲學、一種工作的方式、甚至應該內化成為企業的文化,以創造更高的績效。 6 Sigma雖在製造業創造了許多令人刮目相看的成績,但大體而言,國內外的醫院,對於6 Sigma的導入模式,大多仍僅止於觀念層次上的討論,鮮少有策略運作之具體實施。且由於中西方在文化背景、整體政經環境,及產業特性上的差異,本研究擬以國內醫院為例,根據其自我評估的情況,考慮醫療業的特性後,擬訂試行策略,探討醫院實用的執行準則,建立一些關鍵步驟的指標與查檢表,了解6 Sigma的作業典範,提供6 Sigma導入醫院的應用模式。


On account of highly competitive and ever-changing nature of market, the hospitals are feeling even greater pressure to be in business environment. Whether ready to respond to new challenges or not will determine by the precise judgment of top manager who could strengthen the organizations, elevate the advantages, and adopt new initiatives such as Six Sigma. The implementation model of Six Sigma is not only a breakthrough strategy for enterprise but also an approach of 「culture change」. You may achieve are broad, such as cost reduction, productivity improvement, cycle-time reduction, quality improvement, market-share growth, customer satisfaction elevation, and many more. Moreover, Six Sigma has been successfully applied in western industry, the potential gains can happen in any type processes of business. However, we strongly believe it is both a management philosophy and a knowledge-based culture to sustain a high level performance. Generally speaking, the hospitals didn’t realize The Six Sigma well as industry did, and most papers just discuss the issue at concept level, there are few studies to specify the strategy for implement. Besides, there are many differences between the oriental and western world, such as the culture background, industrial economic, industrial transparence, professional authority and so on…The purpose of this paper is to fuse the differences between the oriental and western culture and the differences between the industry and hospitals. Take hospital as an example to construct an implementation model of Six Sigma. The result will help to plan the strategy with the self-assessment, identify the roadmap, build up the key performance indicators, and provide a practical solution to enhance the competitive advantages.


Implementation Model Six Sigma Hospital


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