  • 學位論文


A study on the registration and dismissal mechanism of historic buildings in Taiwan : Pei-Tou Den-An Tempel as an Example

指導教授 : 薛琴 林會承


本論文係以彰化縣北斗奠安宮之古蹟指定與解除過程為研究對象,目的在於探討古蹟指定與解除作業的相關課題,並試圖整理分析1982年文化資產保存法公佈施行迄今古蹟指定與解除的操作方式,同時探討古蹟指定與解除過程中權力調整的主要議題,並提出對未來工作之建議。本論文的章節內容區分為: 第一章 本研究的動機與目的、相關文獻回顧及研究方法。 第二章 主要從台閩地區的古蹟保存歷史瞭解台灣古蹟指定與解除機制的演變,其中日據時期的古蹟保存經驗曾經留下許多珍貴文化資產,但其行政經驗卻因政權的轉移而中斷,戰後初期因為經濟民生凋蔽古無法顧及蹟保存,直到民國六十年代本土化的運動的興起,才又引起國人對古蹟保存的關心,帶動暫定古蹟的調查與指定;民國七十一(西元1982)年文化資產保存法的制定,則代表古蹟指定與保存法制化的開始,而三次的修法則使得古蹟指定與解除的相關機制產生改變。 第三章 探討古蹟指定與解除機制之重要議題,首先由國人傳統上的財產觀念,探討在文化資產保存法下的古蹟公共財觀念與私有財產觀念的衝突;其次探討古蹟指定的主管機關則由文化資產保存法制定以前與制定初期的「由上而下,中央政府主導」,直到民國八十六年文化資產保存法修正,將指定權力下放至地方政府後對古蹟指定的意義、程序、與制度所產生的變化;最後再探討古蹟指定與解除機制中有關行政執行的機制,包括古蹟指定的程序機制、古蹟解除的程序機制、古蹟指定與解除的行政組織機制、古蹟指定與解除的評定標準機制、古蹟指定前的保護機制等。 第四章 以北斗奠安宮之古蹟指定與解除過程為例,再佐以其他相關案例,探討古蹟保存過程所面臨的問題,如:國人普遍缺乏古蹟保存的觀念、古蹟保存將妨礙古建築的重建計劃、古蹟指定為尊重地方居民的意見、古蹟保存成效不彰民眾沒有信心與古蹟指定侵犯私有財產精神之衝突等。 第五章 綜合各章節之議題與古蹟保存之意義,對於古蹟指定與解除制度及法令修正提出個人之看法與建議。 第六章 提出本論文的結論與未來的研究課題建議。


北斗 奠安宮


This essay, which was basing on Pei-Tou Den-An Temple, is a steady in the processes of the registration and dismissal mechanism of historic building. In this main propos, we try to analysis the function that under the control of B, since 1982, how to registrant and operate the registration and dismissal mechanism of historic building, meanwhile, we try to discuss and raise a suggestion for the future. Chat 1: Incentive, purpose, relative essay and function researching. Chat 2:following the history and finding out the culture treasure during the Japan age, we try to seek the change of the registration and dismissal mechanism of historic building. Because of the political power remove, the economy was still shrinking and unable to protect those historic building in earlier few years of 1950’s Until 60’s year, the local activities have begun. The civil would start to face the importance of the historic building saving and try to registration and dismissal. The constitution of the low means a beginning. After tribal amend, the Low makes the process as well. Chat 3:Seeking the theme of the registration and dismissal mechanism of historic building: The first is basing on the traditional property intellection of Taiwan people, what is the balanceable point between public property and private property in B. the second is the government unit. Before the constitution of The Culture Resource Saving Low, those changes, which are about those meanings, of those processes and those systems were following with in regular. After the Low constituted, the authority would be release down to the local government. At last is about the governmental mechanism of the registration and dismissal mechanism of the historic building. Those were unclouded the processes of the mechanism of historic building registration, the historic building dismissal, the government system of historic building registration and dismissal, the standard of historic building registration and dismissal, the protection of pro-registration. Chat 4: Basing on The Culture Resource Saving Low, we try to make the cases of these questions: 1.the lacking of the intellection of protecting historic building. 2. Historic building saving obstructs the reconstruction of the historic building. 3. Historic building remarking basing on the opinion of the resident, and the clash between the historic building saving and invasion of privacy. Chat 5: Statement and suggestions after all these themes. Chat 6: After word and the suggestions for future researching.


Den-An Temple Pei-Tou


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