  • 學位論文


An Empirical Study on the Relationships Among Store Image, Overall Attitude, and Loyalty of Coffee Shop Customers

指導教授 : 莊修田


隨著經濟的成長與飲食習慣的改變,喝咖啡已成為國人飲食文化中相當重要的一環,上咖啡店也逐漸成為當今生活社交的一部份。對現今的消費者而言,上咖啡店不僅是喝咖啡、吃點心而已,享受咖啡店的氣氛也是很重要的消費目的,換句話說,咖啡店內的空間所營造出來的氣氛也是被消費的對象。本研究以非連鎖的個性化咖啡店(individual coffee shops)為研究對象,主要的目的在探討顧客對咖啡店商店印象屬性的重視程度、滿意度、綜合態度與其忠誠度之間的關係。 本研究根據文獻及問卷調查整理後,將個性咖啡店的商店印象(store image)屬性分成六個構面(factor):產品器具、服務促銷、外觀特色、設計效果、空間機能、環境氣氛。在對3家個性咖啡店181位顧客進行問卷調查,並以電腦統計軟體進行問卷資料的統計分析之後,本研究發現:(1)較受重視的咖啡店商店印象屬性大多屬於「空間印象」因素。(2)在10項消費者特徵變項中有5項對於「商店印象」部分構面之重視程度有顯著的影響差異。(3)「商店印象」滿意度及綜合態度對於3家咖啡店的顧客忠誠度皆有顯著的影響差異;而「商店印象」六個構面之滿意度及綜合態度與顧客忠誠度之間全部均呈顯著正相關。(4)逐步迴歸分析結果顯示,顧客忠誠度相對最高的Z店,其被選入的預測變項有:「空間機能滿意度」、「外觀特色滿意度」、「外觀特色綜合態度」等3項,這3個變項全都與「空間印象」有關,反映了空間印象的塑造與經營對於這類型咖啡店的重要性。 本研究結果可做為個性咖啡店的經營者以及空間規劃設計者之參考。


Following economic growth and changes in dietary habits, coffee has already become the nation’s important link of dietary cultural. Today, going to coffee shops has already become a part of everyday social life. For today’s consumers, going to coffee shops is not just drinking coffee and eating snacks, in addition, appreciating the environment and atmosphere of the coffee shop is also an important purpose for them. In other words, the atmosphere created by the open space in the coffee shop is also the object sought out by consumers. This study takes individual coffee shops, that they are not part of chain stores, as the object of research. The purpose of this empirical study was to explore the relationship among store image, overall attitude, and loyalty of the coffee shop customers. This study is based on documentary and questionnaire surveys. Afterwards, the store image of individual coffee shops could be divided into six factors: product utensils, service & promotion, unique external appearances, effects of the design, functions in the store space, and environmental atmosphere.An investigation was conducted to the customers of three individual coffee shops. The data collected from 181 samples were analyzed in aid of SPSS computing software. The findings were as follows: 1. The factors of “space image” played important role in customers’ store image. 2. Five consumer attributes had significant effect on the intensity of belief toward some factors of store image. 3. The intensity of satisfaction and the overall attitude toward store image attributes had significant effect on the customer loyalty; there were significant and positive relations among store image, overall attitude, and customer loyalty. 4. For the store that won the highest intensity of customer loyalty, there were three predictive variables for customer loyalty, and all of them were factors of “space image”. These findings were expected to be helpful for the management and designing of a coffee shop.


Overall Attitude Coffee Shop loyalty Store Image


何亞蘋 (2001)
林恩盈 (2002)
許慧娟 (1994)


