  • 學位論文


The Effect of Information Presentation and Feedback on the E-advertisement – A Case of On-line Campaign

指導教授 : 吳肇銘


隨著網際網路與電子商務的蓬勃發展,廣告主透過網路進行行銷活動已是不可避免的趨勢,尤其網路廣告的一對一行銷能力,更加強網路廣告的重要性。然而,現階段網路廣告的效果卻不如預期。究竟何種型態之網路廣告方夠確實達到廣告效果,乃為成為學界以及業界相當值得探討之議題。 目前網路廣告型態已逐漸改以線上促銷活動的型態呈現,其目的無非是希望達到預期之廣告效果。本研究針對網路活動中,主要的三個元素-資訊呈現方式、回饋資訊複雜度、再答機制進行探討,藉以了解何種搭配最能發揮廣告效果,進而增強網友的購買意願。根據本研究之實證研究結果,歸納出以下結論: 1. 網路活動中,「資訊呈現方式」對於「廣告態度」以及「品牌態度」的影響,並未在本研究中獲得證實。 2. 網路活動中,「回饋資訊複雜度」的設計,會影響網友的「廣告態度」及「品牌態度」。其中,有接受資訊回饋的網友,其「廣告態度」明顯強於無接受資訊回饋的網友;此外,接受「正確答案回饋」的網友,其「品牌態度」最為強烈。 3. 網路活動中,「再答」的設計,會影響網友的「廣告態度」及「品牌態度」。其中,有再答機會的網友,其「廣告態度」或是「品牌態度」明顯強於無再答機會的網友。 4. 網路活動中,「資訊呈現方式」與「回饋資訊複雜度」之交互作用,會影響網友的「廣告態度」,而對「品牌態度」的影響,則未在本研究中獲得證實。對於「廣告態度」來說,「靜態」與「動態」的資訊呈現方式,搭配「無回饋」,其網友的「廣告態度」明顯最差。 5. 網路活動中,「資訊呈現方式」與「再答」之交互作用,對「廣告態度」的影響,未獲得證實,但會對網友的「品牌態度」有顯著影響。其中,「靜態」的資訊呈現方式,搭配讓網友再答的機會,其「品牌態度」明顯最佳。 6. 網路活動中,「回饋資訊複雜度」與「再答」之交互作用,會影響網友的「廣告態度」與「品牌態度」。其中,無回饋與不再答的搭配,其「廣告態度」及「品牌態度」明顯最低;而正確答案回饋與再答的搭配,其「廣告態度」及「品牌態度」明顯最高。 7. 網路活動中,「資訊呈現方式」、「回饋資訊複雜度」與「再答」之交互作用,會影響網友的「廣告態度」與「品牌態度」。整體而言,靜態與動態的資訊呈現方式搭配無回饋與不再答,其「廣告態度」及「品牌態度」明顯最低;而靜態與回饋資訊量較多(簡單對錯、正確答案、精緻化)加上提供網友再次回答的機會,其「廣告態度」及「品牌態度」明顯較高。 8. 網路活動中,網友的「廣告態度」及「品牌態度」,會影響「購買意願」,且「廣告態度」亦會影響「品牌態度」。


With the rapid growth of the Internet and E-commerce, on-line marketing become a inevitable trend.In particular, the on to one marketing performance makes the e-advertisement more important. However, the effectiveness of the e-advertisement wasn’t as expected. Therefore, it becomes to discovery what type of the e-advertisement can realize the expected the performance for the academics and patricians in recent years. This study aimed at three design elements of e-campaign: “information presentations”, “feedback complexity”, and “try-again”, as independent variables to discuss the effectiveness of the advertisement- attitude toward the ad., attitude to the brand, and purchase intention. According to the field’s analysis –experiment, the conclusions are the followings: 1. In the e-campaign, the influence of “information presentations” on the attitude toward the ad. and the attitude toward the brand is not significant. 2. In the e-campaign, the”feedback complexity” has significant influence on the attitude toward the ad. and the attitude to the brand. Customer who accepts information feedback has better attitude toward the ad.; Besides, customer who accepts “correct response feedback” has the great attitude toward the brand. 3. In the e-campaign, the”try-again” has significant influence on the attitude toward the ad. and the attitude to the brand. Customer who could try again the answer has better attitude toward the ad. and the attitude toward the brand. 4. In the e-campaign, the interaction of “information presentations” and “feedback complexity” will influence customer’s attitude toward the ad., but no effect on the attitude toward the brand. The static type or dynamic type information presentations with “no feedback” will make user have the worse attitude toward the ad. 5. In the e-campaign, the interaction of “information presentations” and “try-again” will influence customer’s attitude toward the brand, but no effect on the attitude toward the ad. The static type information presentations with “try-again” will make user have the worse attitude toward the brand. 6. In the e-campaign, the interaction of “feedback complexity” and “try-again” will influence customers the attitude toward the brand, but no effect on the attitude toward the ad. The “no feedback” with “try-again” will make user have the worse attitude toward the ad. and the attitude toward the brand. Besides, the” correct response feedback” and “try-again” will make user have the great attitude toward the brand. 7. In the e-campaign, the interaction of “information presentations” and “feedback complexity” and “try-again” will influence customer’s attitude toward the ad. and the attitude toward the brand. The information presentation with “no feedback” will make user have the worse attitude toward the ad. and the attitude toward the brand. Besides, the dynamic type information presentation with “feedback complexity”(simple verification feedback、correct response feedback and elaborated feedback)and “try-again” will make user have the better attitude toward the ad. and the attitude toward the brand. 8. In the e-campaign, customer’s attitude toward the ad. and the attitude toward brand will influence the attitude toward the brand; besides, customer’s attitude toward the ad. will influence the attitude toward the brand.


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