  • 學位論文


Scheduling parallel machines with resource flexibility

指導教授 : 蘇玲慧


摘要 本研究旨在探討平行機製程在資源限制下之排程問題,每一工作的作業時間為分配給此工作使用之資源量的線性遞減函數,但系統須受限於總資源量的限制,其目標為求得工作的排程與資源的配置使得總完成時間(Makespan)最小。等效平行機問題之複雜度早已被證明為NP-hard,再加上資源使用之考量將使問題更加繁複,因此本研究分別針對平行機與資源的配置發展求解方法,並提出兩個啟發式演算法,最後發展一個全域下限值,以驗證演算法的求解品質與效率。經實驗證明本研究所發展的求解工作排程之演算法不論在求解品質或求解時間上均具有極佳的績效;兩個啟發式演算法也有極佳的表現,其總平均求解品質分別達98.31%與99.65%。


Abstract We consider the problem of scheduling a set of jobs on parallel machines where the processing time of a job may be reduced linearly by the application of a limited discrete resource. The objective is to determine the job assignment to machines and the allocation of resources to jobs so that the makespan is minimized. This problem is a combination of parallel machines problem and the time/cost trade-off problem. Two versions of the problem are introduced. One identifies the job sequence first and then the resource distribution while the other consider the resource distribution first and then the job sequence. A resource based global lower bound is presented for benchmarking. Experimental results show that the heuristic algorithm proposed in the paper for P||Cmax problem is superior to LISTFIT algorithm, and both heuristics proposed for the whole problem have outstanding performances.


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