  • 學位論文

中文閱讀障礙研究 — 以國中小學生為例

Study on Mandarin Speaking Dyslexia with Junior High and Elementary School Subjects

指導教授 : 鄭谷苑


摘要 發展性閱讀障礙是指有正常的智力以及學習機會,但是仍無法獲得其年齡對等的閱讀技巧者。許多不同來源的證據指出語音的缺陷例如語音覺識、語音的短期記憶是拼音文字系統中閱讀障礙的形成原因,除此之外,連結論以及雙缺陷理論也暗示了拼字的缺陷也可能造成識字的困難。而本研究者認為中文的閱讀障礙也同樣有這兩種主要的缺陷—即語音及拼字缺陷,其中語音的缺陷是來自於深層的語音表徵,而拼字的缺陷和唸名速度緩慢有關,並且可能作用在部件與部件的視覺連結當中。我們比較在排除智力的影響後,三組受試者(D組、RL組、CA組)在六個實驗上的表現來驗證中文閱讀障礙的語音及拼字缺陷,其中D組代表閱讀障礙組,RL組代表閱讀能力控制組,CA組代表年齡控制組。 實驗一及實驗二檢驗有關語音的缺陷。實驗一要驗證閱讀障礙的語音缺陷是否源自於語音表徵的不夠清楚,而實驗結果顯示在700毫秒的相似音情境下,D組的反應時間及正確率顯著低於其他兩組正常控制組,因此驗證了閱讀障礙對於相似音之間的區分性表徵不足的想法。實驗二要驗證閱讀障礙內在的相似音表徵之間的連結是觸發大於抑制的,因而導致在辨識中文字的歷程中產生錯誤的語意。雖然實驗二的結果顯示D組的反應形態和其他兩組正常組沒有顯著差異,但是這需要後續的研究來探討。 實驗三包含四種唸名速度的測驗—物件、數字、注音及顏色。實驗三發現D組和RL組之間在四種唸名速度測驗上都沒有顯著差異,但是在物件、數字及注音唸名上顯著慢於CA組。 實驗四、實驗五以及實驗六是有關拼字缺陷的實驗。實驗四是組字規則測驗,結果發現三組在組字規則上沒有顯著差異,這表示大部分的閱讀障礙沒有組字規則的缺陷。實驗五是同音異字測驗,結果在正確率上為CA組 >RL組 > D組。實驗六為視覺部件連結實驗,該實驗包含兩種刺激材料—合法假字及沒有意義的圖形,實驗結果發現D組在視覺連結的確有顯著的缺陷,而這種缺陷並不侷限在文字上。在排除智力因素後,視覺連結實驗以及唸名速度測驗間的淨相關顯示閱讀障礙的視覺連結缺陷與緩慢的唸名速度有關。 根據上述的六個實驗,我們認為中文的閱讀障礙存在有語音及拼字的缺陷,其中語音的缺陷是來自於語音表徵之間的區分性不足,而拼字缺陷作用在部件及部件的視覺連結上。


Abstract Developmental dyslexia is the failure to acquire age-appropriate reading skills despite adequate intelligence and education opportunity. Many sources of evidence pointed out that phonological deficits, such as phonological awareness and phonological short term memory, are causes underlying dyslexia in alphabetic writing system. Nevertheless, both connectionist models and double deficits theory imply that orthographic deficit could cause failure to word recognition. We argue that dyslexia in Mandarin would also have two major problems —phonological deficit and orthographic deficit. Phonological deficit is due to indistinctness in phonological representation. Orthographic deficit is related to slow naming and affect visual association of radicals. Keep intelligence constant, we compared three groups (D、RL、CA)in six experiments to test phonological and orthographic deficit in Mandarin dyslexia. Among them group D represents dyslexia, group RL represents reading level control, and group CA represents chronological-age control. Study 1 and study 2 are designed to test phonological deficits. Study 1 examined whether the phonological deficit of dyslexia is due to the lack of the distinctness of phonological representations. The results indicated that response latencies and accuracy of group D are significantly lower than two control groups in the 700ms semi-homophone condition. Therefore we argued that the distinctness between similar phonological representations are insufficient for dyslexia. Study 2 tested the connections of similar phonological representations are more activated than inhibited in dyslexia and this results in semantic mistakes in the process of Mandarin characters recognition. Though the result of study 2 indicated that the response latencies pattern of group D was not significantly different from the two control groups, further researches are needed before conclusion can be made。 Study 3 consisted of four measures of serial naming speed—objects、digits、zhu yin and colors. We found that group D was not significantly slower than group RL on four naming tasks but significantly slower than group CA on object、digits and zhu yin naming. Study 4、study 5 and study 6 are about orthographic deficits. Study 4 investigated the rules of radicals-combination. We found that there is no significant difference among three groups on this task. It means that most dyslexia have no deficits in rules of radicals-combination. Study 5 is a homophone test. The result indicated group CA> group RL> group D on accuracy. Study 6 is visual radical association experiment. It contains two kinds of materials — persudowords and nonsense figures. The results indicated group D has specific deficits in visual association and this deficit is not bond to words. After partialing out the intelligence scores, the correlation of visual association and measures of naming speed indicated that visual association deficit of dyslexia is related to slow naming. According to these six experiments, we therefore argue that Mandarin dyslexia demonstrates the phonological deficit and the orthographic deficit. The phonological deficit possibly results from indistinctness of phonological representation;whereas orthographic deficit affect visual association of radicals.


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