  • 學位論文


Construct the Integration Model of Multi-Business Process Reengineering and Theory of Constraint

指導教授 : 江瑞清


近幾年來全球經營環境變動地越來越加地劇烈,使得許多企業面臨極大的挑戰。其中企業經營本質的力量:顧客、競爭、改變,此三股力量造成今日市場的重大改變。為了因應近年來全球經營環境的快速變化以及競爭,企業紛紛省思新的企業經營管理之道,以面臨空前所未有的危機因此,企業中改善與再造之活動越來越加地盛行,如ERP、SCM、BPR、TQM、6 …等活動,皆在企業間熱烈展開。 其中企業流程再造(BPR)是企業為了追求突破所運用之方法,本研究主要將企業流程再造模式與限制理論之基本概念與邏輯進行整合建構TOC2模式,期望透過模式中限制搜尋、限制突破、流程重建與流程控制四大階段進行跨組織整合,使得組織能夠有效破除主要流程所受企業內部體質限制。並藉由跨組織整合破除限制後,再重新建構新的組織流程,以使得主要流程的效能能夠有更進一步之提升。 經此研究過後得知,為提升企業競爭力,組織間整合是未來企業發展必然之趨勢。企業不但應對自我管理進行改善,用以減少不必要的浪費與效益之提升,更需結合其它組織力量,共同為彼此之互利努力,並使得各組織皆能夠有效提升其流程效益,以使得各組織皆能夠有突破性之改善,進而提升各組織的競爭力,使其能有足夠的能力來因應社會之變化,並為整個社會帶來經濟效益及福利。


Now a days, the change of global economic environment is more and more faster. Many enterprises are facing this huge challenge. For the sake of such a change, the enterprises must adjust themselves to improve their own abilities. Therefore, many emphasizing on speedy enhancement programs such as, ERP, SCM, BPR, TQM, 6 etc. are more and more popular. Business process Reengineering is the powerful methodology used to pursue Business performance. The purpose of this research is to integrate the Business Process Reengineering model as well as the basic concept and logic of Theory of Constraint. Furthermore, the research also provide a process model used to break the restriction of the multi-organization and rebuild the new business process to improve the organizational efficiency. In this research, we can find the organizational key successful factor is the improvement and integration. And they are also critical to survive in the global market. Besides, in order to improve the enterprises, operation efficiency managers should not only increase their self-management sense, but also combine the forces of other organizations. In this way, the enterprise will gain the competitive advantage.


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