  • 學位論文


A Grid Services-Based Problem-Solving Environment - An Example for Solving the Partial differential Equations

指導教授 : 廖慶榮


在本篇論文中,我們提出一個以格網服務為基礎的問題解答環境(Grid Service-Based Problem Solving Environment, GSBPSE),GSBPSE利用格網服務來整合異質性環境系統並統籌管理格網環境裡的所有計算資源。當問題求解者透過GSBPSE進行科學計算時,將能夠調派分佈於各地理位置的運算資源來構成一個虛擬的服務實體,提供問題求解者進行科學計算時所需的計算資源。此外,基於格網服務採用公開的協定與標準,因此將能夠有效地整合分佈於各地理位置下異質的平台應用程式。我們以 Globus Toolkit V3.2 為工具,佈建格網環境與格網服務,並實際地將常用的科學問題「平行化矩陣乘法」以及「拉普拉斯解法器」發佈為格網服務,探討並驗證 GSBPSE 的效能與可行性。


In this paper, we propose a Grid Service-Based Problem-Solving Environment (GSBPSE) to integrate the heterogeneous resources and solve several scientific problems. All of the computing resources in a grid environment can be regarded as grid services. We need not consider the physical geographical position of computing resources in this environment for solving user’s problem. When a request is made, GSBPSE can dynamically organize the computing resources to be a virtual service instance to solve it. Besides, since grids services technology is on the basis of open protocols and standards, so that can efficiently integrate heterogeneous applications distributed in the different geography. Globus Toolkit V3.2 (GT3) was used as construction tool to build the grid environment. Parallel matrix multiplication written in C with MPI codes was published as grid services to evaluate the performance and feasibility of GSBPSE. Experimental Results showed that our method was feasible.


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