  • 學位論文


The study of application of data mining for school marketing

指導教授 : 林震岩


面對教育改革及各技職校院的競爭壓力,學校面臨招生來源的困境,學校必須善用各種行銷策略來提昇學校之競爭優勢與條件,進而開拓學校市場的發展,創造學校整體利益。   本研究利用次級資料及問卷收集資料,作為主要研究方法。次級資料以九十一學年度五十六所技職校院及教育部相關網站資料為主;問卷則以A學院的九十二學年度新生為研究對象。本研究目的為探討技職校院學校市場的現況及透過各技職學校次級資料分析A學院定位;且透過學生個人屬性構面、生活型態構面及選擇行為構面之分析,找出學生來源的特徵描述;結合學校資料探勘與學生來源特性分析,選擇目標市場及訂定行銷策略,作為學校行銷之參考。 研究發現,目前學生學習的年齡層分佈形成兩個峰值,一群是以升學為目標的學生群,另一群則是離校三年至五年間,再回流從事在職進修教育的學生群;在學校方面可與企業結合,以擴展進修教育此塊利基市場。


Because of the revolution of the education and the pressure from the competition among colleges and universities in Taiwan, the school is facing the difficulties to enroll new students. The school has to apply every marketing strategy well to promote its competitive advantages and essential conditions to expand the development of the education market and to maximize the overall benefits of the school. Second data and questionnaire data collection are the primary methods that apply to this research. The second data employed the information from fifty-six colleges and the related websites of Ministry of Education in the academic year 2002; the questionnaire data collections surveyed the freshmen from A College in the academic year 2003. The purposes of this research are to discuss the situation now in the advanced education market, to position A College in the market by explaining the second data from the colleges in Taiwan, and to describe the features of the source of the students by analyzing students’ personalities, life styles, and consumer choosing behaviors. Moreover, this research, which integrating the data mining of the school’s information and the analysis of the characteristics of the source of the students, could be the reference to the school’s marketing strategy to discover its target market. According to the research fining, the students can be divided two groups by age. Ones are the students for academic learning and the others are those returning to school for on-the-job training 3 to 5 years after graduation. Schools can enter into this profitable market by opening up training programs in cooperating with enterprises.


life style consumer cho data mining school marketing


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