  • 學位論文


A Study on Reconciliation Concerning the Administrative Litigation:Focusing on Comparing the Civil Procedure Act with the Administrative Litigation Act

指導教授 : 盛子龍


行政訴訟法修正後,訴訟種類之增設、無償原則之建構下,對於人民之權利保障多所助益,卻加重國內三所高等行政法院受理案件之數量,在有效解決紛爭且保障人民權利之前提下,行政訴訟上和解被廣泛的運用。行政訴訟上和解之成立,不僅須符合實體法之行政契約,並須具備訴訟法上合法要件。然而,國內行政爭訟案件以訴訟上和解方式終結者,卻有日益增多之趨勢,故有必要探討行政訴訟上和解成立之適法性,再透過與民事訴訟上和解之比較,深入研究行政訴訟上和解程序。 本論文共分為六章,第一章為研究動機、研究方法與限制。 第二章、針對我國民事訴訟上和解之性質、要件、程序、效力及救濟,加以論述,並且將民事訴訟上和解,實務及學理上所發生之問題,逐項討論。其次,近年來民事訴訟法修法頻繁,民事訴訟上和解之程序多所更動,對目前民事訴訟上和解之影響,亦為探討之重心。 第三章、我國行政訴訟上和解之性質、要件、程序、效力及救濟,加以論述,首先,須探討行政訴訟上和解之性質。其次,針對行政訴訟上和解成立之要件及程序加以探討。並探討成立行政訴訟上和解後,對和解之當事人及第三人之效力。最後,若和解瑕疵之救濟方式,詳加論述。 第四章、民事訴訟上和解及行政訴訟上和解之性質、要件、程序、效力及救濟為一個通盤之比較,並就目前現行行政訴訟上和解對照民事訴訟法之條文,探究其二者之差異及若行政訴訟法無規定時,該如何解釋或準用民事訴訟法。 第五章、檢討改進與建議,就目前行政訴訟上和解之運作,分別由實務面及法制面為出發點加以檢討,並提供建議冀望日後修法與實務之參考,減少日後爭議,適切解決紛爭。 第六章、結論。


After revisions of the Administrative Litigation Law, various kinds of litigation have been provided in the Administrative Litigation Law. Under the principle of paying no litigation fees, the total number of administrative litigation have been increased greatly in all the three administrative courts. As a consequence, reconciliation rules provided in the Administrative Litigation Law have been used widely. The validity of reconciliation provided in Administrative Litigation Law must not only comply with the administrative contract in the substantive aspect, but also satisfy the legal elements in the procedure aspect. Since termination of administrative litigations by way of reconciliation have been increased in recent dates, it is thus necessary to study the legality concerning the reconciliation in administrative litigation. By comparing the reconciliation rules provided in the Civil Procedure Law, this thesis intends to make an in depth study regarding the reconciliation rules provided in the Administrative Litigation Law. The first chapter relates to research motive, research method and restrictions. The second chapter discusses the nature, elements, procedure, validity and remedies of the reconciliation rules provided in the Civil Procedure Law. The relevant questions in practice and in legal theory related to reconciliation in civil procedure have also been discussed. In addition, the reconciliation rules provided in the Civil Procedure Law have been revised several times in recent years. The effects of those revisions on civil procedure constitute another focus of this chapter. The third chapter illustrates the nature, elements, procedure, validity and remedies of the reconciliation rules provided in the Administrative Litigation Law. The fourth chapter compares the nature, elements, procedure, validity and remedies of the reconciliation rules provided in the Civil Procedure Law and the Administrative Litigation Law. The fifth chapter examines the relevant provisions of the Administrative Litigation Law and provides suggestions concerning possible future revisions of the Administrative Litigation Law. The last chapter is the conclusion of this thesis.


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