  • 學位論文

電層析技術在酚酸化合物分離 之方法開發與應用

Development and Application of Electrokinetic Chromatographic for Analyses of Phenolic Compounds

指導教授 : 黃悉雅


酚酸,一種有效的抗氧化劑,普遍的存在於茶、葡萄仔及紅酒中,近年來有研究指出酚酸的攝取可以有效抑制癌細胞分裂及延緩老化,是一種對人體有益的物質。 第一部分為比較微胞電層析(MEKC)與微乳化電層析(MEEKC)對分離與偵測十五支酚酸的效果。利用改變介面活性劑濃度、分離電壓、分離溫度以尋求最佳化的效果,結果顯示微乳化電層析在較高的分離溫度與分離電壓中,分析物會呈現較好的解析度。而且油滴的種類對其分析物的選擇性也會產生影響,這是過去文獻上不曾發現過的。 第二部分為結合陰離子掃略式徹底注射(ASEI-Sweeping)技術與微乳化電層析(MEEKC)技術,發展出陰離子掃略式徹底注射-微乳化電層析(ASEI-Sweeping-MEEKC)放大技術。此技術克服了過去微乳化電層析在其他放大技術中因為穩定度不夠導致放大技術不佳的瓶頸,並且可以成功的放大10萬倍,可以有效降低毛細管電泳的偵測極限。


In recent years, particular attention has been given to phenolic compounds because of their excellent antioxidant activity. Since plant foods (such as tea, grape and wine) are rich sources of a variety of phenolic compounds, thus a diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables is believed to highly correlate with the maintenance of health and disease prevention. The fist part of this study, analytical methods for the simultaneous separation of thirteen phenolic compounds commonly found in dietary plants were developed based on both MEEKC and MEKC methods. Separation of phenolic compounds was improved by changing the organic modifier concentration, electric voltage and column temperature. Organic modifier (acetonitrile or methanol) were found to markedly influence the separation resolution and selectivity for both MEEKC and MEKC systems. A higher electric voltage and column temperature would improve the separation efficiency for MEEKC, whereas they might cause a poor separation resolution for MEKC system. Furthermore, the present work has been first demonstrated that the nature of the oil phase has a significant influence for the selectivity of phenolic compounds separation for MEEKC. In the second part of the study, an Anion-Selective Exhaustive Injection-Sweeping MEEKC (ASEI-Sweeping-MEEKC) which is a combined techniques of Anion-Selective Exhaustive Injection-Sweeping (ASEI-Sweeping) and MEEKC separation, was successful established in order to improving the detection limit of MEEKC method for phenolic compounds. Compared to other field-amplification techniques that combined with MEEKC separation, the proposed ASEI-Sweeping-MEEKC method was able to afford almost 100,000-fold improvement in peak areas for some phenolic compounds.




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黃意雲(2006)。以陰離子選擇性徹底注射-掃略式電層 析技術分析食品中兒茶素〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200600658
