  • 學位論文


A Research of Key Factors on Donators' Behaviors of Non-Profit Organization - Based on the TPB Theory

指導教授 : 嚴奇峰


摘 要 近年來台灣地區隨著政治民主化與社會經濟的發展,非營利組織也風起雲湧蓬勃發展,然而,如何籌措足夠的財源以維繫非營利組織順利運作,完成社會任務與使命,是現今最重大的課題。 本研究以台灣地區非營利社會福利機構捐款人名單為母體,探討社會大眾影響其捐款行為之動機及捐款意願的關鍵因素與行為模式,以瞭解各捐款人的特性,發出紙本問卷1,330份,共回收930份,有效問卷672份,佔回收問卷的72.26%。實證研究結果顯示:社會大眾願意捐款所考量重要性排名,第一是受捐贈機構對捐款「迫切需求性」,其次為該捐款人對自我捐款能力的「自我能力」認知,第三為捐款人對捐款方式的「便利性」認知感受。第四為捐款人的態度動機為「自利性」,第五為對受捐贈機構服務宗旨、理念與成果深表認同的「認同性」。 影響捐款行為之關鍵因素依序為:捐款意願、理念溝通、需求迫切性、便利性、自我能力、主動符合期望及被動順從行為等七項因素。捐款人性別、年齡、宗教信仰、教育程度、職類、職稱、居住地區、家庭狀況、每月收入等不同對於捐款願意亦有顯著性差異;目前捐款人捐款頻率以經常性與偶發性捐款幾乎各佔一半,可見國人漸漸認同非營利社會福利機構,並且也願意捐款貢獻所能,使非營利社會福利機構能繼續推動助人工作,促進社會福祉與進步。至於未來的再捐意願方面,有高達84.2%的受測者均表示願意持續捐贈,但他們捐款金額為小額捐款且介於500元至3000元之間,機構若希望能獲得社會大眾較大的捐款金額,勢必要繼續加強其宣導工作。 非營利社會福利機構為求使命的達成及永續經營,如何規劃最具捐款意願、最便利的捐款方式,使偶發性的捐款人成為固定捐款人,小額捐款人成為主要捐款人,值得非營利社會福利機構在募款規劃與經費籌措時的參考。最後本研究也試圖就研究發現,分別針對一般社會福利機構、政府及後續研究者提供相關建議,以做為未來發展或後續研究的參考。 關鍵字:非營利組織、捐款人、捐款人行為、計劃行為理論。


Abstract In recent years, along with the development of the political democratization and socio-economic growth in Taiwan, Non-profit organizations also have booming development. However, how to fund sufficient financial resource to support Non-profit organizations’ operation and thus fulfill the social responsibility and mission is the most important topic at present. This research takes the personnel name list of Non-profit social welfare organizations in Taiwan who contributes money as population, inquires into society to discuss the key factors and behavioral patterns that affect the motives and activities of monetary donation. It also helps to understand contribution of each characteristic of a donator. This survey send out 1,330 paper questionnaires originally, 930 were recovered, and there were 672 valid questionnaires, account for 72.26% of the total recover of questionnaires. The substantial evidence studies the result manifestation: The society would like to contribute money to rank the consideration importance, the first is the “urgent need of the donated organization,” the second is the“ recognition of ego ability to donate,” the third is the “convenience” for the donator to send their money, the fourth is the “self-interest,” and the fifth is the “approbation and identification” of the organization service aim, mission and achievement. Seven key factors which influence the donating behavior listed in sequence are: The willingness to donate, communication of mission statement, urgency of need, convenience, ego ability, matching an expectation actively, and passive obeying behavior. Donating behavior is also effected by donators’ gender, age, religion, level of education, job, title, region of living, family condition and monthly income. Among current donating activity, “frequent” donators is almost equal to that of “occasional” donators. It is thus clear that the people has approved Non-profit social welfare organization gradually, and would also like to contribute money to help the nonprofit social welfare organization so as to help other people and to promote the social welfare activities. According to the statistics, the intention for future donation also reached up to 84.2%; however, the amount of money lies between the small sums from 500 to 3000 NT dollars. If the organization hopes to acquire huge amount donation from the society, it is essential to reinforce the promotion campaign to guide such task. In order for the mission accomplishment and ever lasting management, it offers reference for Non-profit social welfare organization while raising funding program and planning the budget about how to work out the most convenient and attractive way for donator to contribute money, to transfer “occasional” donators to “frequent” ones and the small-sum contributors to large-sum contributors. Finally, the author also provides several suggestions to the Non-profit social welfare organizations, government and successive researchers respectively for future development as well as academic study. Keywords: Non-profit organizations, Donator, Donators' Behaviors, Theory of Planned Behavior.


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陳明霞(2011)。影響加入直銷商之意圖研究 - 計劃行為理論的應用〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2011.01208
