  • 學位論文


Production Efficiency of Pleione Formosana Hayata in Nan-Chuan—An Application of Cost Frontier

指導教授 : 楊奕農


摘 要 台灣一葉蘭是台灣高山原生多年生球根類蘭科植物,最顯著的特點是有一個發達的假球莖,且一球只長一葉,故名台灣一葉蘭。自1985年起由農政單位、學術界學者專家及南庄鄉農會的輔導,利用其優越的自然氣候條件,著手輔導原住民開闢一葉蘭專業栽培區。 本研究在透過經濟實證以Cobb-Douglas確定性成本邊界函數利用OLS來估計南庄鄉台灣一葉蘭之成本邊界函數,衡量生產效率,以作為農政單位資源作最適當的配置之參考、施政績效考核的依據,並為個別產業管理與發展策略參考。 因在整個復育過程中栽培技術不斷的研究與改進,故模型中考量可能結構性轉變,以探討栽培技術不同或其它不可觀察之因素對生產成本之影響,因此在推估過程中先將變數作Chow結構轉變的檢定,是否存在結構性轉變,以及其發生的時間點。結果顯示,由Chow test發現在1995年的時間點檢定其P值最小,顯著拒絕沒有結構性轉變的虛無假設。 本研究實證結果顯示,南庄鄉台灣一葉蘭之生產成本效率平均值為89.75%,即顯示平均無效程度是10.25%,對於影響成本效率程度主要因素之探討,由實證估計結果顯示種植面積、種苗數量對於成本效率是負向的影響,政府支持預算、栽培模式、種植用介質、繁殖栽培示範觀摩會參加人數均對於成本效率有顯著性的正向相關。


Abstract Pleione Formosana Hayata is Taiwan’s high mountain protophyte perennials bulbs Orchidaceae; its most significant feature is a well developed pseudo bulb, and one bulb has one leaf only; therefore, it is called as Pleione Formosana Hayata. Since 1985, under the assistance of agriculture administration department, scholars and experts from academia, and Nan-Chuan Farmer’s Association, the specialized cultivation area of Pleione Formosana Hayata has been developed by the aboriginals based on the excellent weather condition of. Nan-Chuan. The purpose of this research is to estimate the cost frontier function of Nan-Chuan ’s Pleione Formosana Hayata through demonstration analysis, and use Cobb-Douglas deterministic cost frontier function and utilize OLS to measure production efficiency. The result is proposed to the agriculture administration department as the reference for the most appropriate configuration of resources, basis for the assessment of policy execution performance, and reference of individual industry’s management and development strategy. Because the cultivation technology is improved and researched continuously during the entire reproduction process, the structural change was considered in this research model for discussing the effects of different cultivation technologies or other unobservable factors on production cost. Therefore, variables were tested before using the Chow test structural change during the estimation process, to examine the existence of structural change and their happening time. Chow test showed that the P value was the smallest in 1995, which refused the null hypothesis of non-structural change significantly. This study reveals that the average value of production- cost efficiency of Pleione Formosana Hayata in Nan-Chuan is 89.75%, i.e., the ineffective value is 10.25%. And the amount of seed and planting area have negative influence on cost efficiency, government’s budget support, cultivation model, medium expense, and reproduction cultivate of demonstrate workshop symposiast number of people have positive influence on cost efficiency.


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