  • 學位論文


Numerical analysis of rainfall infiltration in unsaturated soil slopes with interlayered structures

指導教授 : 馮道偉


台灣由於平原區域之開發幾乎已達飽和狀態,因此對於擁有許多高山及丘陵地之台灣島而言,坡地的開發更顯重要。由於台灣之海島型氣候,豐水期期間之集中降雨易使地下水位急劇上升造成坡地破壞。 本研究以數值模擬方式,使用七個降雨紀錄進行砂質壤土、粉土質粘土及龍潭紅土三種均質土壤材料,加上砂質壤土和粉土質粘土、龍潭紅土和粉土質粘土、砂質壤土和龍潭紅土及龍潭紅土和砂質壤土互層材料,總共七種模型未飽和土壤邊坡,進行降雨入滲模擬分析,且亦針對邊坡舖設不透水覆蓋物與排水管進行降雨入滲分析,以了解不透水覆蓋物與排水管對於降雨期間減少地下水位上升之功效。 分析結果得到以下結論:(1)鋪設不透水覆蓋物或是鋪設排水管,在降雨結束時,坡頂與坡面交界處下方之地下水位高程比天然邊坡之地下水位高程低舖設不透水覆蓋物會使邊坡基質吸力與體積含水量不受降雨入滲的影響;鋪設排水管時,降雨入滲仍然會影響邊坡基質吸力與體積含水量;(2)排水管持續排水的效果,會使原本集中在坡趾處的水流後退至排水管前端,對於邊坡坡趾安全有幫助;(3)26.5°邊坡鋪設不透水覆蓋物時,坡頂覆蓋0.8倍坡高與坡面覆蓋1.5倍坡高為佳;45°邊坡鋪設不透水覆蓋物時,坡頂覆蓋1.25倍坡高與坡面覆蓋0.94倍坡高為佳;63.4°邊坡鋪設不透水覆蓋物時,坡頂覆蓋1.25倍坡高與坡面覆蓋0.75倍坡高為佳;(4)短期且高降雨強度所造成的影響比長期且低降雨強度所造成的影響大;(5)互層土壤中降雨入滲所造成的影響主要取決於上層土層,如果上層土壤滲透係數大,雨水易於滲入邊坡內,造成地下水位上升、邊坡基質吸力下降與體積含水量升高;(6)邊坡高度固定時,針對在坡頂與坡面交界處下方之地下水位高程,26.5°邊坡較45°邊坡高;而45°與63.4°差異不大。


未飽和土壤 降雨入滲 Seep/w


In Taiwan, most of the slope failure occurred during highly concentrated rainfall season. This study uses seven rainfall records and seven types of strata in numerical analysis. Seven records include Nari-typhoon, Xangsane- typhoon, Bilis-typhoon, Herb-typhoon, Zeb-typhoon, Winnie-typhoon and Aere-typhoon; seven types of strata include sandy loam, silty caly Lungtan red soil, sandy loam/silty caly, sandy loam/Lungtan red soil, Lungtan red soil/sandy loam, and Lungtan red soil/silty clay. This study also considers Geomembrane and drain pipe in numerical analysis. The results of this study indicate that: 1) the elevation of groundwater table will have low value when the slope uses geomembrane or build drain pipe. When use geomembrane, matric suction or volume water content of slope didn't effected by infiltration. When drain pipe is used, matric suction or volume water content of the slope will have a little effect. 2) drain pipe will make water flow into the head of drain pipe. 3) At an inclined slope angle of 26.5°, the geomembrane of length of 0.8 slope height at slope top and 1.5 slope height at slope surface is a better choice. At an inclined slope angle of 45°, the geomerbrme of length of 1.25 of slope height at slope top and 0.94 slope height at slope surface is a better choice. At an inclined slope angle of 63.4°, the geomerbrme of length of 1.25 slope height at slope top and 0.75 slope height at slope surface is a better choice . 4) Intensed rainfall is more effective than long-term low intensity rainfall in infiltration. 5) If upper layer of multiple layer has high permeability, rainfall is easy to infiltrate into the slope. At a result, groundwater table, slope matric suction, and volume water content of slope change. 6)At the same height of slope, groundwater is higher in 26.5°slope than that in 45°slope,whereas it is about the same for 45°slope and 63.4°slope.


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