  • 學位論文

在地老化與老人體能活動之研究 ─以嘉義大崙社區為例

“Aging in Place” & Physical Activities for Elderly –A Case Study of Dalun Community in Chiayi

指導教授 : 喻肇青 胡寶林


「在地老化」(aging in place)是因應高齡化社會的對策之ㄧ,當老年人在原先熟悉的社區中養老時,社區可在老年人所關注的健康議題上,從養老條件:「老社區」、「老身」、「老本」、「老宅」、「老伴」、「老友」和「老玩」等方面尋求健康營造機會。因此,本研究以體能性「老玩」─健康操作為引動,達成下列目標,促進老年人身、心、靈健康。 一、運用社區特質,培養老年人生活趣味。 二、強化社群活動,建構老年人社區關懷。 三、發揮互助精神,充實老年人心靈需求。 在台灣地區,嘉義縣老年人人口以13.8%居全島之冠,且全縣務農人口達45%。因此,本研究擇定農村型社區-大崙社區作為研究地點。社區內65歲以上的老年人口321人,佔全村人口12.3%。社區位處嘉南平原,離中山高水上交流道約500公尺,距長庚醫院約10分鐘車程,具備氣候溫度、交通便利和醫療設施便利等合宜養老的基本條件。 研究以立意訪談進行半架構式訪談,調查「性別」、「年齡」、「婚姻狀態」、「家庭形態」、「居家空間」、「身體狀況」、「行動能力」、「勞動狀態」、「運動項目」、「運動空間」、「休閒項目」、「休閒空間」。經SPSS10.0軟體分析224份有效資料,在勞動型態、性別與運動的交叉分析中,就「未從事勞動」、「種稻者」、「種稻與契作」三組,其中男性老年人無運動/有運動依序為1/1、11/9與3/2,女性老年人則為1/1、3/2與2/1。顯示農村社區中,勞動體力消耗越大,對老年人參與運動的負面影響越大,且女性大於男性。 另以參與式觀察、訪談等方式,瞭解老年人日常生活中常態性與非常態性的活動。並就健康操Ⅰ、Ⅱ活動,分析活動時間、空間、體操種類、參與人員、活動氛圍、出缺席原因等相關事項,歸納農村社區中影響健康操活動參與的原因,有氣候、空間距離、空間心理、生理、性別和工作等因素。從活動參與中發現,體能性「老玩」導入有一定的必要性,且須因應在地季節、氣候等特質,活用社區中「老社區」與「老宅」等公、私領域,可以將「老身」與「老本」的本質改善,也可活絡「老伴」與「老友」的互動。對農村社區的女性老年人而言,健康操「老玩」具引動它項養老條件的功能,確可促進老年人社區參與,利於老人自主性「在地老化」的生活。


“Aging in place” is one of the strategies of facing aging society. When the elderly people live in their familiar community, the opportunity of pursuing a healthy life could be provided by the community with the issues of health such as “ old neighborhood”, “physical condition”, “personal resources”, “dwelling”, “long companion”, “old friends” and “habit and exercise”. Therefore, this study takes the physical exercise as the catalyst, to enhance the health of physical, mental and spiritual conditions of elderly people. The objectives of this research are: to cultivate the enjoyment of aging life by utilizing the resources of the community, and to construct the community caring for the elderly by reinforcing the community activities, and to enrich the spiritual demand of the elder by developing the spirit of caring and helping. In Taiwan, the elderly population of Chayi County is the highest in the country, and the population of farmer of Chiayi is also as high as 45%. Therefore, this study chose Dalun Village, a rural community, as the study area with good weather condition, convenient traffic, nearby medical facility, etc., where almost all the advantages for aging life are situated. This study used half framework interview to examine “gender”, “age”, “marital status”, “family condition”, “living arrangement”, “physical condition”, “moving ability”, “working status”, “exercise” and “recreation”. In the cross analysis of working status, gender and exercise, the result shows that the elderly people who conduct labor works more usually participate the exercise less in rural community, and situation for female is worth than male. With the participating observation and interview, this study learned how elderly people arrange their daily activity. And from two periods of Physical Exercise, this study concluded that climate, space setting, distance from home, physical condition, gender and work ability are the main influential factors of the exercise participation in the rural community. Finding from the participation, the “physical exercise” is necessary to be introduced in order to utilize the public and private places in the “ old neighborhood” and “dwelling”, to improve the “physical condition”, to enrich “personal resources”, and to increase the interaction of “long companion”, “old friends”. Even more for the elderly women in the rural community, the Physical Exercise can activate the other factors for good aging condition, encourage the community participation and generate the independent life of “aging in place”.


Timothy H. Brubaker(1985)老年家庭(劉秀娟譯,1997)。台北:揚智。
