  • 學位論文

績效考核制度變革成效之評估 —某中小企業之個案研究

Evaluation of Performance Appraisal System --A Case Study of a Small- Medium Enterprise

指導教授 : 吳美連


摘 要 績效考核是一種過程,是組織用來衡量和評鑑員工於某一段時間內對於工作表現之結果,藉以作為獎酬管理、職務調整、訓練或協助員工成長、工作輔導等之參考依據。因此績效考核對組織而言,是管理過程的一種控制;對員工而言,則是提供工作回饋及未來發展之依據。 現今多數的企業有其評鑑系統,但是從考核而衍生的組織及人力資源管理的問題顯示,企業不善於考核員工,從過去的研究可知,由於績效考評不夠客觀與公平而增加員工對工作上的抱怨或經理人認為自己在進行績效考核時十分無效率等現象。因此如何協助中小企業,設計或規劃適當的績效評估制度,做為人力資源管理的工具,以提升企業整體的經營績效,已成為刻不容緩的議題。 本研究以中小企業為研究對象,主要的研究目的為: 一、探討個案公司舊有績效評估制度的問題。 二、瞭解個案公司設計及推動新績效考核制度的變革過程。 三、檢視個案公司之主管與員工對績效考核制度變革前後之態度差異。 四、提供研究結果供中小企業人力資源工作者建置/修改績效考核制度之參考。 本研究就績效考核相關理論與文獻的探討外,以個案公司員工為研究對象,經過訪談與問卷調查後,獲得以下結論: 主管在績效考核制度的模式上,於新舊制度配對比較後有顯著的差異,主管對於新制度模式的滿意度明顯高於舊制,而此與主管有參與訂定考核制度及標準有高度的關聯。就員工在績效考核制度的公平性、滿意度、接受度的差異上,只有在態度面上對於主管給予日常績效回饋及對強迫分配的接受度上沒有達到顯著的差異;而其他皆為顯著,表示員工對新制度的公平性認知高於舊制。 本研究根據研究的結果,發展出下列各項命題: 一、在績效考核制度的規劃與設計時,主管的參與程度,將會影響制度變革之效益。 二、主管對員工的日常績效回饋,不會直接的影響員工對績效評估制度的滿意度。 三、員工對績效核評估內容與標準的了解,將影響績效考核制度實施的成效。 四、制度的規劃與實際執行一致時,將提高員工對制度的接受度與滿意度。


Abstract Performance appraisal is a process and is a procedure for an organization to measure and appraise the performance of employees in a certain period of time, which is based for the reward management, position adjustment and training and growth arrangement of employees as well as for providing employees assistance. To an organization, performance appraisal is a kind of control in the management process. It is the basis for employee to offer work feedback and future development. Presently, most of business entities are equipped with appraisal system, but the problems in the management of organization and human resources resulted from appraisal seemed to indicate that they are not good in performing employee appraisal. From studies of the past, it is often found that less than acceptable objective and fair have caused complaints of employees or belief of managers that they are very inefficient in processing their performance appraisal. It is therefore badly needed to help small business in design or plan a suitable performance appraisal system to be the tool of human resources management, which will then serve the purpose of promoting total business management effectiveness. The main purpose of this study is to evaluate Performance Appraisal System a case of Small- Medium Enterprise .This study attempts to achieve the following four objectives: 1. Discovering the problems in the existing performance appraisal system of the companies targeted. 2. Finding out the process of design and implementation of targeted companies in switching to new performance appraisal system. 3. Checking the differences in the attitudes of executives and employees toward the existing and new performance appraisal system. 4. Providing results of the study for reference of managers of human resources in small business entities in their establishment and modification of appraisal systems. In addition to studying and research in related theories and literatures, this study endeavored in the interview with the employees of targeted companies and questionnaire survey, the following have been concluded: With regards to the mode of performance appraisal system, executives have significant difference in the comparison of new and old systems, they appeared to have significant higher satisfaction of mode of new system, and this has close connection to their participation in the establishment of standards and system of the performance appraisal. On the other hand, employees have significant difference in fairness, satisfaction and acceptability of performance appraisal system, except the rather insignificant difference in their attitude toward the executive in routine performance feedback and mandatory distribution. This means that employees have better knowledge of new system than old system of performance appraisal. Based on the results of study, we have developed the following conclusions: 1. The level of executive involvement in the planning and design of performance appraisal system is vital to the effectiveness of the change of the system. 2. The executive routine performance feedback to employees will not have direct effect on the employee’s satisfaction of performance appraisal system 3. The level of understanding of employee with regards to the contents and standards of appraisal will affect the effect of implementation of performance appraisal. 4. The consistency between the planning of system and the actual implementation will have direct impact on the system acceptability and satisfaction of employees.


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