  • 學位論文


Perception of Internal Marketing and Organization Cultural Difference with Organizational commitment─ An Empirical Study on Volunteers in National Parks

指導教授 : 呂鴻德 嚴奇峰


摘要 志工制度的盛行與民主社會的發展有密切的相關,國內志工組織近年來有大幅成長的趨勢。志工組織的效能旨在彌補政府及其他社會組織所提供社會服務之不足。政府單位近年來勵行組織精簡,且退休公務員亦有年輕化跡象,有效運用志工組織,當為開發潛在人力資源的可行之道,政府機構若能適度提昇志工組織效能,亦可提供部份社會服務效益,增進社會福祉。 本研究首先根據相關文獻探討及學者研究結論,歸納出下列幾種志工組織承諾的關係,作為研究的架構:知覺組織內部行銷對組織承諾的關係、知覺組織文化差異對組織承諾的關係、知覺組織內部行銷對知覺組織文化差異的關係,藉以探討國家公園志工知覺組織內部行銷、知覺組織文化差異對組織承諾之影響。並針對六個國家公園與兩個都會公園志工,採問卷調查之方式進行實證研究,計回收有效樣本175份,回收率25%,經信度分析、因素分析、相關分析、迴歸分析後。研究發現摘要如下: 1. 知覺組織內部行銷與知覺組織文化差異呈現顯著相關,知覺組織內部行銷對知覺組織文化差異有預測效果。 2. 知覺組織內部行銷、知覺組織文化差異與組織承諾呈現顯著相關,故對組織承諾有預測效果。 3. 知覺組織內部行銷作為之『目標與訓練』和『成長與環境』對組織之『價值承諾』與『持續承諾』有顯著影響,並有預測效果。 4. 知覺組織內部行銷與知覺組織文化差異對組織承諾之影響,在不同國家公園特性中部份有顯著差異。 5. 知覺組織內部行銷與知覺組織文化差異對組織承諾之影響,在不同個人特質中部份有顯著差異。


Abstract The prevalence of volunteers system and the development of democratic society have closely relationships. Domestic volunteer organizations have the trend of the significant growth in recent years. The volunteer organizations of the effect aim at making up for the shortage of the social service of the government and other society organizations. The government enforced the organization cut in recent years and the retired official also had the young sign, using efficiently volunteer organizations to develop potential human resource. If the government can promote the volunteer organizations performance appropriately, this can also provide a part of social service benefit, increasing social welfare. This study concludes according to literature review and scholars’ study at first, bringing to the relations of the following several volunteer organizations commitment as the structure of the study. Internal marketing of perception organization have the relationships with organizational commitment. Cultural difference of perception organization has the relationships with organizational commitment. Internal marketing of perception organization have the relationships with cultural difference of perception organization. Using them to discuss internal marketing of perception organization for Volunteers in National Parks, cultural difference of perception organization has the relationships with organizational commitment, and to adopt the way of the questionnaire, carrying on empirical evidence study. Receiving back effective175 samples and the returns ratio is 25%, after Reliability Analysis, Factor Analysis, Correlation Analysis and Regression Analysis. The findings of this study summarize as follows: 1. Internal marketing of perception organization have the relationships with cultural difference of perception organization. Internal marketing of perception organization has the forecast effect to cultural difference of perception organization. 2. Internal marketing of perception organization, cultural difference of perception organization and organizational commitment appear positive correlations, so has the forecast effect to organizational commitment. 3. “Goal and training” and “growth and environment” of internal marketing of perception organization have significant influence on “value commitment” and “continued commitment” of the organization, and have the forecast effect. 4. Internal marketing of perception organization and cultural difference of perception organization have the influence on organizational commitment and have partly significant differences in the characteristic of different national park. 5. Internal marketing of perception organization and cultural difference of perception organization have the influence on organizational commitment and have partly significant differences in the different personal traits.


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