  • 學位論文

應用ATDE式教學法與Web Surfing於初等程式設計─方法、成效與評估

An Application of ATDE-Styled Teaching/Learning and Web Surfing in Introductory Programming - Methodology, Evaluation and Assessment

指導教授 : 夏延德


資訊科系背景出身的人應該都會同意「程式設計的目的是為了解決問題」;所以在學習程式設計的過程中,不僅要對程式語言、資料結構有基本的認識,更要訓練解決問題的能力與技巧。尤其在面對大小、難易不同的問題時,可能還需要將原始的問題予以拆解組合,試著讓問題的解決效果達到最好,甚至將這樣的方式重複用來解決其他的問題。而初等程式設計的課程除了教授使用某種程式語言的知識外,也要幫助學習者建立這樣的概念。 目前,在程式設計課程的領域中,已有許多新的教學方法被提出與使用,像是(互補式、競爭式)合作學習、視覺化語言(介面)學習、專題導向學習、討論式學習、企業訓練模式等。雖然有這麼多現有的方法可以增進學習成效,但是,單一的工具或方法對學習所能造成的影響層面各有不同、能達到的效果亦有一定程度的限制。本研究所要探討的是如何適當地搭配及運用這些教學方法,使它們所能增進的學習效益能達到最大,像是:“改變學生被動學習的習慣,養成主動學習、“加強訓練學生解決問題的能力與態度、“增強學習程式設計的興趣和信心等等。 本研究的目的是想找出能夠提升初等程式設計課程之學習成效的教學與學習的方法,我們設計了兩個教學實驗,分別是教授C語言的“應用ATDE式教學法於初等程式設計以下簡稱為“ATDE實驗,與教授Java語言的“應用Web Surfing與Project-Based Learning於初等程式設計以下簡稱為“Web Surfing實驗,這兩個實驗以中原大學九十四學年度大學一年級跟三年級的學生為實驗對象,總計人數有185 人,實驗組102 人,對照組83 人。實驗組接受新式教學法的訓練,對照組則接受傳統式教學法的訓練。 實驗的結果與分析如下: 1. 在ATDE實驗,經過t-test分析後發現,實驗組與對照組在前測成績的表現是沒有顯著差異的,而實驗組經過ATDE式教學法的訓練後,後測成績與對照組也是沒有顯著的差異。 2. 在Web Surfing實驗,經過t-test分析後發現,實驗組與對照組在前測成績的表現是沒有顯著差異的,而實驗組經過Web Surfing與Project-Based Learning的訓練後,後測成績與對照組有了顯著的差異。 3. 由1.來看,ATDE實驗的結果雖不太理想,但也算是某種程度上的成功,能將實驗組在C語言的程度提升到接近對照組。 4. 由2.、3.來看,Web Surfing實驗成功地提高了學生在程式設計方面的學習成效,讓實驗組在Java語言的程度能夠超越對照組。。


People with a computer science background would certainly agree that the purpose of programming is to solve problems. Thus, a learner who tries to master programming has to develop not only basic programming skills such as programming language constructs, data structures, but also the ability to develop and implement (correctly) algorithms that solve problems. Many new teaching methods and teaching materials has been developed and applied to Computer Science Education. There are for example, Cooperative Learning, Visual Programming Interfaces, Project-Based Learning, WebQuest-based learning and Software Engineering-based Training of various kinds. Each of these methods can promote the effect of learning in a different aspect. In this thesis, we try to develop and use a methodology that would significantly improve the learning effects of an introductory programming course. We applied ATDE-Styled Teaching and Learning methodology in a first experiment, teaching C. Then, we applied Web Surfing in a second experiment, teaching Java. These two educational experiments were made consecutively during the fall semester of 2005 and the spring semester of 2006. 102 freshman students participated in the experiment. Their performance was contrasted with a group of 83 junior students. The juniors accepted the training in the traditional style during their early years in college. The results of the two experiments were quite encouraging. In the ATDE experiment, the freshman group didn’t outperform the control group (in exam scores). However, the freshman group was almost as good as their junior counterparts in during C programming. In the Web Surfing experiment, the freshman group outperformed their junior counterparts.


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張耀宗(2007)。於ATDE式教學法加入視覺化因素的探討 -方法、成效與評估〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200700761
