  • 學位論文


kitty's worldwide adventures -The creation of electronic children's books

指導教授 : 朱嘉樺


資訊科技時代來臨,造成許多變革。改變了社會及經濟狀況,人類生活方式和環境也都因科技產品的應用而有重大變化。許多生活用品漸漸被電子化、數位化的產品取代。資訊傳遞上,透過網際網路不但無遠弗屆,而且更快速方便。人們尋求資訊與閱讀新知的方式因此有了改變。電子書-成為出版的另一種選擇與趨勢,兒童文學創作者也都紛紛投入電子書的市場。 兒童電子書作為一個「新型態的兒童讀物」已經是趨勢潮流,它提供了兒童另一種接觸與欣賞文學的管道,同時也為兒童讀物帶來新的空間與新的研究方向,延伸的知識擴充更是可觀。然而如何將兒童電子書的優勢適當的發揮,是值得重視的。雖然兒童電子書不可能完全取代傳統童書,但童書大量的電子化卻是未來的必然趨勢。 本創作針對兒童電子書的介面設計進行研究,分析目前市面上兒童電子書之介面設計有何共通性及優缺點,歸納出一套介面設計的參考原則,並根據參考原則實際創作一套適合兒童閱聽的兒童電子書。創作內容由一隻小貓環遊世界作為開始,介紹世界五大洲十一個國家,每個國家分四個部份進行介紹:語言、人口、氣候、特色建築,讓兒童對其他國家有基本的了解。建構兒童概略的世界觀。 本創作期許能對國內兒童電子書在介面設計上有所助益。將兒童電子書的優勢發揮,讓兒童閱讀引導上有更清楚的方向。期待給未來兒童提供更豐富多樣化的學習空間。


A new era in information technology has revolutionized in society and the economy. Due to high-tech products, the environment and the ways people live have significantly changed. For instance, we are surrounded by lots of technological or digital products. Through the internet, information can be accessed everywhere in the world easily and rapidly. Therefore, technological changes in electronic channels have a far-reaching impact on the way people seek information and news. Electronic books have become a trend in publications. Authors and illustrators in children’s literature are joining the e-book market. Electronic children's books have become a new trend in children’s literature. The e-book not only provides channels for children to read and enjoy literature but also creates new study methods in children’s literature. Much more meaningful is that it helps children to gain knowledge through reading. It is very important to develop the advantages of electronic children's books. Although electronic children's books will not completely take the place of children’s paper books, digitalization of children books will be a trend in the future. This creation focuses on interface design of electronic children's books. It analyzes common interface designs in the market and the advantages and disadvantages of electronic children's books before describing a common principle in interface design in conclusion. Further more, the author will design a electronic children's books according to the principal. The story will begin with a kitty planning to travel around the world to introduce five continents and eleven countries around the world. There will be four parts – language, population, climate, and architecture during the introduction for children to gain basic understanding of other countries. It will help children develop a global perspective. The creation hopes to benefit the knowledge of interface design of electronic children's books in country. It will develop the concept of electronic children's books to give children better guidelines for reading. It hopes to provide more colorful learning environment for children in the future.


storybooks and traditional print storybooks on reading comprehension. Journal of
Research on Computing in Education, 29(3), 263-275.


