  • 學位論文


The Creation of Chopsticks

指導教授 : 朱嘉樺


筷子是我們生活必需品之ㄧ,幾乎每天都會用筷子進食,可以說是文化的一部份,但是我們對筷子又了解了多少?雖然現今設計意識高漲,但是與我們最親近的筷子卻被忽視了,忽略了去追求筷子的美。而在外用餐的人,還是以使用衛生筷為主,然而,衛生筷的製作過程不但不衛生,製造出的垃圾又與環保相衝突。故自行攜帶筷子儼然是一種社會潮流,只是付諸實行的人卻不多,如何藉由這潮流,使筷子變成一種流行商品呢?就必須要了解現今的消費文化。 現今是一個豐衣足食的年代,玲瑯滿目的商品呈現在我們眼前,為什麼我們選擇這個商品,卻不選那個商品?為什麼這商品引領著流行,另一種同質商品卻沒有辦法?從這我們不難發現,時代在變,消費價值觀也隨之改變。現今是一個重視外觀和感覺的時代,在這個時代裡,消費者已經不是基於需要而進行消費,而是為了滿足自身的欲望,換言之,就是一個感性消費的時代。在這時代裡,人們選擇商品,重視商品所具有的感性要素,即商品符號,它是商品是否能被消費的關鍵。而一個商品要流行,就要能被消費。故本研究採取滾雪球的研究方法,探索流行文化的相關概念,並歸納出「設計」在其中所扮演的角色,作為後續創作的基礎原則。 人人都愛美的事物,一個富有巧思的設計的確可以豐富我們的生活。本研究在創作設計部分,以文獻評論為基礎,筷子、筷架為創作設計的主要對象,藉由設計將其藝術化,並賦予符號,使其變成合乎流行的商品。


商品符號 流行文化 筷子


Chopsticks are considered as a necessity to our lives. People use them to eat almost every day, so it can be said that chopsticks are a part of daily culture. However, how much do we know about the chopsticks? Though the modern design consciousness is highly paid much attention to, but our close chopsticks have been ignored. That is, people neglect to pursue the beauty of chopsticks. People having meals outside rely mainly on the waribashi; nevertheless, the processes of making waribashi are unsanitary, and the rubbish produced conflicts with environmental protection. Hence, carrying chopsticks individually has become a trend in society by people, but only few people put it into practice. How to make the chopsticks turn into a kind of popular goods with this trend depends on how much awareness of modern consumption culture people arouse. This is an era of plenty of food and clothing. So many kinds of products appear in front of our eyes. Why do we choose this one instead of that one? Why does this goods lead the trend rather than the other kinds? It is not hard to find that this era is changing and so are the values of consumption. Nowadays, this is an era where the appearance and feelings count.In this era, consumers consume not just because of the basic needs but because of the desire and satisfaction by themselves. In other words, this is a perceptual era for consumption. In this world people choose the goods and pay attention to the perceptual factor, namely, goods symbol. The goods symbol is a key to see whether the goods can be accepted. That is, if one goods prevails, it must be consumed. Therefore, this study takes the snowball research approach to explore relevant concepts of pop culture as well as try to find out the role that the “design” plays as a basic principle for the creating afterward. People love beautiful things. The design, which is delicate and creative, can really enrich our lives. In this study, the chopsticks and the frame of chopsticks are mainly investigated (also based on the literature review) in the creating design part. By means of the artistic design and the goods symbol, it is hoped that chopsticks can become a popular goods.


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