  • 學位論文


An Action Research of Integrating Information Technology into Team-Teaching in Fourth-Grade Mathematics Class

指導教授 : 張世忠


本研究主要目的在探討資訊融入協同教學應用於國小四年級數學領域的實施現況,並研究以此教學模式對學生學習成就與學習態度之影響,以及教師之專業成長與實施困境。本研究採行動研究法,於九十五學年度第一學期實施(自九十五年九月至隔年一月止),針對新竹縣某一所國小四年級一個班級的十八位學生為研究對象,進行為期一個學期、七個單元的教學研究。資料來源包括定期評量、問卷調查、教學錄影、晤談、數學學習心得及教師省思札記等。研究結果發現: 一、本研究由於協同教學能提供學生更多學習機會與立即性的指導、生活化的教學動畫與教學軟體的使用能使學生更容易理解,使得資訊融入數學協同教學能提升學生之數學學習成就。 二、本研究由於教學模式的新奇感使得學生學習數學興趣提升,學生對數學恐懼感減少,自信心增加;活潑生動的教學使得學生主動參與和踴躍發表意見;師生間良好的互動能喚起學生學習的熱情,因此對學生數學學習態度有正向之提升。 三、協同團隊透過持續性的反省、評估與修正教學策略,因而使得教師於此實踐歷程中轉變教學心態,並獲得教學能力提升的專業成長。 研究者透過了本行動研究,不但提升了學生的學習成就與學習興趣,對於個人資訊融入數學教學的技巧和行動研究的能力也有所提升,並且也讓研究者累積了資訊科技應用於數學教學的寶貴經驗。本研究可供後續實施「資訊融入數學協同教學」之教學者參考,以進行其它相關之研究。


This study aims to explore the current practices of integrating information technology into team-teaching in fourth-grade mathematics class. This study discussed how the proposed teaching method affect students’ learning achievements and attitude, as well as the teachers’ professional growth and difficulties of implementation.. The method of this study is based on action research. The participants of this study are 18 fourth-graders in Hsinchu county. The study is carried out over the period of one semester in which the curriculum is divided into seven research units from September in 2006 to January in 2007. The resulting data for the study are collected from periodic assessments, questionnaire, video-taping of the teachers’ teaching, interview record, students’ feedback and teachers’ reflective journals, etc. The research results are as follow: 1.The study shows that integrating information technology into team-teaching in mathematics curriculum can improve students,achievement because of team-teaching can provide students more learning opportunities and immediate instruction, and the use of teaching software combined with life-related instructions flash made the materials easier for students to understand. 2.The study indicates that the use of Integrating Information Technology into Team-Teaching was helpful in fostering students’ interest in mathematics. Students developed a positive learning attitude toward the subject through the application of information integration technology. The novelty of such method promoted students’ interest in the subject, lessened students’ sense of apprehension, and increased students self-confidence. The lively teaching approach prompted students to participate actively and to express their opinion enthusiastically. The good interaction between teachers and students could awake students’ enthusiasm of studying. 3.The study demonstrates that through constant self-reflection, evaluation, correction, and implementation the team gained professional growth in areas of teaching attitude and the capacity of teaching. Though this action research, the researcher improved not only students’ learning achievements and attitude but also improved researchers’ teaching skill and research ability, had accumulated the experience of integrating information technology into math teaching. According to the results of this research, some suggestions about integrating information technology into team-teaching for mathematics class and further studies are proposed.




