  • 學位論文


Children’s External Expression on the Maps of Space Cognition

指導教授 : 林品章


認知圖以二維空間傳達三維空間的方式,製圖者將真實環境的資訊,透過空間認知在心理上的建構,以及個人的表達方式,予以平面化。研究認知圖,可讓我們瞭解製圖者之空間概念與認知心理。 本研究以個案作為前測,蒐集兒童手繪之認知圖為樣本,比較年齡對兒童繪製認知圖的影響,其結果作為正式研究對象的抽樣選擇。在正式研究中採用依據文獻修訂之「地圖繪製能力」、「道路表現形式」,與自編的「地標資訊量」三種向度,比較國小五年級(十一歲)學生所繪製的認知圖。並藉由錄影分析相同性別與學區的學生,所畫認知圖的描繪過程與圖像形式,顯示兒童空間表達能力與繪製策略。結論如下:(一)在此階段的認知圖表達方式,「形式運思期」只佔五成。(二)女生較男生傾向於以文字表達對空間的概念。(三)認知圖的繪製策略影響地圖元素的順序與結構。而兒童也會以自我位置為參考點,其地標傾向以相對位置來表示,會因當時身處的位置改變而有差異。 年齡影響兒童手繪地圖的表現,但是認知圖的元素以及圖像與文字的表現形式,亦因為環境及性別上的不同而有差異,可推論:兒童空間知識的建構是主客互動的結果。透過對兒童認知圖平面表現之描述性分析,本研究能提供兒童認知發展、地圖設計或兒童空間認知等相關研究之參考。


“Cognitive map” is a way to represent thoughts of three dimensions into two dimensions. Subject will compress information of real world in to two dimensions via psychology constructive of spatial cognition and personal expressions. This study uses case study as pre-test, and collect cognitive map drawn by children as sample space. Therefore, we can compare age as a profound factor toward children hand draw map. The result will be the criteria of subject selection during the test. Further more, this paper measures cognitive map with three factors which are “mapping ability”,“the form of road expression” and “landmark data.”The first two factors are cited from papers, the last one is added by author. Comparing the cognitive maps of fifth-grade(11 years)students between two elementary schools of Tao-yuan county. We analysis students’ maps, where with same sexuality and same region of school at two directions-- their drawing process and the figure patterns. This analysis was undertaken via VCR. Children’s spatial expression abilities and drawing capacity have different. The differences are shown as follows: 1. expressions of cognitive maps—only 50% with formulation thought. 2. Female is superior to male on expressing their idea of spatial concept via words. 3. Their drawing capacity affect the map element’s structure and sequence. Furthermore, children will use their own position as a reference point which will alter when they are in different place. This study shows that the elements of children cognitive map and the expression forms of characters will differ from each other due to different growth environment and their sexuality. That is to say, the construction of children spatial knowledge is the consequence of interactions with environments. Through this expression of children cognitive maps study, we can provide information for further study in children cognitive development, map design and children spatial concept.




