  • 學位論文

產業聚群與企業策略關係之研究 -以台灣連接器產業為例

The Study on Relationship between Industry Cluster and Corporate Strategy of Connector Industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 嚴奇峰


摘 要 電子產業蓬勃發展之際,台灣在全球市場上也有舉足輕重的地位,由於連接器在電子產品中屬於關鍵零件之一,而且我國連接器的年營業額達4,000~6,000億新台幣,佔全球連接器年營業額的40%~60%,由此數據不難看出它的重要性。台灣約有213家連接器廠,連接器產業在台灣的聚群現象,已經非常的明顯,其中在北台灣的三個縣市即佔了188家(佔88.3%),單就一個台北縣就有122家(佔57.3%)。所以本研究選擇以連接器產業為例,探討產業聚群與企業策略之關係。 本研究在探討連接器產業之:1).台灣的聚群現象;2).大陸的聚群現象;3).台灣與大陸的聚群差異;4).台資企業與外資企業,在產業聚群策略上之異同;5).探討在產業與環境因素影響下,產業聚群與企業策略之關係。本研究屬於質化研究的個案研究法,由研究者根據二大準則(上市櫃/未上市櫃、台資/外資)抽選國內較具代表性的14家廠商,對企業負責人或高層主管採用半結構問卷(semi-structured questionnaire)進行深度面訪(depth interview)以收集初級資料;另透過產業協會等收集相關次級資料進行整理與分析,以針對連接器廠商進行比較與探討。 本研究從次級資料整理與深度訪談中發現,在產業聚群方面,台灣連接器廠商已經有很明顯的聚群現象,廠商到大陸投資後,各家規模都更擴大,產業的聚群更加明顯,不只是「供應商型聚群」的增加(平均台資18%與外資30%),「同業型聚群」及「客戶型聚群」比率,都明顯增加。而且不論台資或外資,大多以「客戶型聚群」為最明顯(平均台資37.4%,外資為42.5%)。在企業策略方面:在產業聚群的效應下,企業策略改變可分四種:1).企業合併或結盟策略-將企業規模變大,加強聚群效益。2).成本策略-在材料方面以量制價,在成本方面運用經濟產能。3).服務品質策略-包含接近客戶、配合客戶型聚群、提供快速反應的服務,以增加訂單;另加強客製化。4).差異化策略-包含以特殊技術、製程改善,提供客戶「全方位解決方案(Total Solution)」。促使企業透過策略改變與執行,達到提高國際競爭力,提高企業利潤。 轉投資大陸的效益,從降低成本(Cost down)到運用產業聚群優勢,並擴大規模、提高技術、上下游廠商合作、結盟,進而利用併購等一連串的策略變革,以強化台資企業的競爭力,俾利於與國際大廠相抗衡,並繼續在連接器市場上發光發熱,開創另一片新天地。


Abstract Taiwan has been playing a very important role in worldwide market since blooming of electronic industries. Connector is one of the key components in electronic industry, which creates US$400 to 600 billion of sales revenue for Taiwan every year, that is, 40-60% of global market share, it shows the importance of connectors. There are totally 213 connector manufacturers in Taiwan. However the phenomenon of industry cluster is very significant, for 188 of 213 (88.3%) manufacturers are located in 3 cities in northern Taiwan, and 122 of 188 (57.3%) manufacturers locate in Taipei province. Therefore, this study intends to explore the relationship between industry cluster and corporate strategy of connector manufacturers in Taiwan. This study focuses on the connector industry to explore the: 1. cluster phenomenon in Taiwan; 2. cluster phenomenon in China; 3. difference of clusters between Taiwan and China; 4. difference and similarity of clusters between Taiwanese enterprises and foreign-invested enterprises; and 5. the relationship between industry cluster and corporate strategy owing to the influences from industry as well as environment. This study adopts the qualitative research method and selects 14 representative companies in Taiwan according to 2 major principles (OTC/ IPO, Taiwan/ foreign venture). The researcher develops and uses semi-structured questionnaire to do the depth interview with top management in each company. The primary information was collected from these interviews, and the secondary information was collected via industry associations. The researcher then analyzes the collective information and compares the differences and similarities among these connector manufacturers. The research findings are as follows: 1. Industrial cluster: The cluster in Taiwan has been significant, but it becomes even more significant after transferring into China. The production scales of all manufacturers are expanded, and the cluster of supply chain is also more significant. Meanwhile, not only increasing on cluster of supply chain or the type of “supplier cluster” (Taiwan capital increases average by 10%, and foreign venture by 30%), but also increasing on the proportion of types of “competitor cluster” and “customer cluster,” and it shows the most significant on “customer cluster” (average 37.4% of Taiwan capital and 42.5% of foreign venture) whether it is Taiwan capital or foreign venture. 2. Corporate strategy: It can be divided into 4 kinds of strategy: 1). corporate merge or alliance strategy– to enlarge corporate scale and enhance effectiveness; 2). cost strategy – to cut down raw material price with large quantity and integrated orders, and to lower production cost with economy scale; 3. service quality strategy- to approach customers or to stay near customer cluster, and to provide prompt and rapid service to grasp more orders; and 4) differentiation strategy– to provide particular technology, process improvement, and “total solution” to customers. By means of these various kinds of strategy, corporate can strengthen its competitive advantages and increase the profit margin. From “cost down,” “utilizing the strength of industry cluster,” “enlarging production scale,” “enforcing technology,” “cooperating, allying and merging in the industrial chain,” by transferring to China, Taiwanese corporate thus can compete with foreign multi-national companies and keep the connector business continue to grow in the world market.


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