  • 學位論文


The Protection of Neighboring Rights for Broadcasting Organizations

指導教授 : 黃銘傑


隨著商業競爭的日趨激烈與全球化的經營運動節目的轉播,可說是傳播機構之兵家必爭之地,人人都想爭食這塊大餅。這種現象,由來已久,最近,由於我們的旅美球星王建民崛起於美國職棒大聯盟,站上紐約洋基隊的明星投手丘上,為中華民國臺灣爭光。以及前一陣子各大電視台,為爭奪我國職棒轉播權,而產生了種種的風波。也因為此項新聞的大肆炒作,激起了吾人對於聯盟是否的確擁有轉播授權之權利,還有對現今日新月異之傳播方式,我國的著作權法制是否合乎時宜得以平衡各方權利之疑問,以產生對此方面的研究動機。 觀察於國際著作權法領域,關於傳播機構之保護,除了傳播機構本身合乎著作人之構成要件,得以享有一般的著作權利外,關於傳播機構的傳播內容、訊號的保護,國際間之趨勢主流乃是將之納入鄰接權保護之。傳播機構本身,由於多非著作權人,但其對於著作之傳播上,有相當之貢獻,為獎勵其促進文化發展之貢獻,而將傳播機構納入著作權法制中以賦予鄰接權利來保護之。 尤其近來WIPO世界智慧財產權組織積極討論草擬一「保護廣播機構之條約」,希望能為傳播機構鄰接權制度之定位,尋求國際間的一致性。一方面落實傳播機構鄰接權利之保護,另一方面,也是為傳播方式之日新月異,逐漸邁向全球化打下一劑強心針。更是對國際間著作權相關權利保護推向另一個更完整的境界。 吾人察覺此種趨勢,試著從分析國際間關於傳播機構鄰接權利保護之相關條約探求傳播機構鄰接權利保護之核心內涵,以及參考已經先將傳播機構鄰接權利納入國內法制之日本著作權法制,具體提出對我國著作權法制下,關於鄰接權利立法之芻議,以其做為我國日後建構一套完整著作鄰接權利保護專章之參考。


Along with the competition of business and the global enconomics, the rebroadcasting and the recablecasting or retransmission by any means in sports games are the most competitive place for a very long time. Recently, the most famous baseball player, Chien-Ming Wang, plays a great job in MLB as a star pitcher in New York Yankee’s. And each television company wanted to get the right to rebroadcast the professional baseball games in Taiwan brought about many issues for a while. Therefore, this situation inspired the thought to find out whether the right of rebroadcasting, cablecasting or transmission by any means really exists, and if the copyright legal system in Taiwan enough for the transmission ways changing with each passing day. Observing on the international copyright legal system, about the protection of the broadcasting or cablecasting organizations, except of the broadcasting or cablecasting organizations as the copyright holders can have the copyright to authorize or prohibit some acts, they can’t prohibit the third person to steal of their broadcast or cablecast even of their signals. This situation can’t not provide enough protection for the broadcasting or cablecasting organizations. There’s a neighboring rights system in the international copyright legal system. Broadcasting or cablecasting organizations have contributions on the distribution of copys, they derserve some kind of protections. Especially WIPO had recently present a consolidated texts for the WIPO treaty on the protection of Broadcasting Organizations, hopefully to establish the neighboring rights legal system in the international copyright legal system and find out the unity in the international copyright legal system. The WIPO treaty on the protection of Broadcasting Organizations both fix in advance the protection of broadcasting and cablecasting organizations, and keep up with the changing of the ways of transmission. Even more it completes the international copyright legal system. Because of the changing, this thesis try to analyzes the treaty about the protection of broadcasting or cablecasting organizations, especially on the neighboring right parts, and the consolidated texts for the WIPO treaty on the protection of Broadcasting Organizations , therefore to reach the most important meaning of the neighboring rights of broadcasting or cablecasting organizations. Furthermore, this thesis analyzes the neighboring rights’ chapter of the copyright law in Japan in order to make some feasible suggestions for our copyright legal system, and to serve as a basis for the policy making in the future in Taiwan.


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