  • 學位論文


A Comparative Study between Social Story and Picture Prompt towards Reducing Off-Task Behaviors of Children with High-Functioning Autism

指導教授 : 潘惠銘


本研究旨在比較社會故事與圖卡提示策略在改善一位國小二年級高功能自閉症兒童不專注行為之成效優劣。採單一受試研究法之交替處理實驗設計,實驗階段分別為基線期、處理期之介紹階段及比較階段、最後階段及維持期。為減少殘存效應(carryover effect)與順序效應(ordering effect),處理期之比較階段係於一堂課內快速輪流交替兩種策略,並在最後階段繼續以較佳之策略進行複習與評量,以了解較佳策略之有效性與穩定性。最末,在維持期撤除較佳策略,以了解較佳策略之維持效果。 研究者根據文獻及受試者需要設計社會故事及圖卡提示策略,為達到刺激辨識,兩種策略本身所具備之外觀與內涵不同外,研究者亦藉著口語指稱「小故事」及「圖卡提示」來增進刺激辨識效果,並在每堂比較過程中間安排五分鐘之休息時段,以明確區隔兩種策略之執行時段。最後,並進行程序信度及觀察者間信度考驗。 本研究利用視覺分析(visual analysis),輔以觀察、訪談資料進行檢驗,比較出社會故事與圖卡提示策略之成效優劣。研究結果發現圖卡提示策略及社會故事都能減少受試者之不專注行為,但圖卡提示策略比起社會故事在減少高功能自閉症兒童不專注行為之成效佳,圖卡提示策略在處理期、最後階段及維持期皆能持續降低高功能自閉症兒童不專注行為之發生百分比。此外,本研究亦發現圖卡提示策略除了能減少受試者之不專注行為,亦能增加受試者作業完成度及完成速度,減少不專注行為之持續時間並仍維持良好之正確度。 綜合文獻及本研究結果建議未來教師在教學前,須重視實施前的準備工作,掌握學生重要訊息並與其生活經驗聯結,有助於編製符合其理解能力及興趣之社會故事及圖卡提示內容,使學習成效及工具本身之成效更快彰顯。此外,建議未來研究可對不同形式之圖卡提示策略加以比較,尋求更佳之呈現方式,並增加視覺趣味性,促進學生對圖卡提示策略之興趣及更加彰顯圖卡提示策略之功效。最後,本研究已盡可能控制可能產生之殘餘效應,但仍難避免可能產生未能控制或未能發現之殘餘效應問題,建議未來研究者隨時以C統計(Tryon’s C Statistics)進行檢核,一旦達到顯著差異即進入下一階段,提高實驗之內在效度。本研究因研究設計未做到類化效果的探究,未來研究亦可釐清此問題。


The aim of this study was to compare the effects of social story and picture prompt through their usage to improve the off-task behaviors of a second grade high-functioning autistic child. The single subject research alternating treatments designs was used in this study. The experiment was divided into five phases: baseline, introduction, comparison, final and follow-up phases. In order to reduce carryover effect and ordering effect, the two strategies were switched promptly at the comparison phase. After the better approach had been found out, its usage was proceeded to the final phase to test whether the effectiveness and stability of the better strategy persisted. Lastly at the follow-up phase the better strategy was removed, to see the following-up effect of the better strategy. Based on literature review and the testee’s need, the researcher designed the social story and picture prompt strategies to achieve incentive identification. Besides the appearance, connotation differences of the two strategies and a 5-minute break during each comparing period to clearly segregate the operating periods of these two strategies, researcher also orally pointed out “little story” and “picture prompt” to stimulate the identification effect. Lastly, procedure reliability and the observer reliability were also provided. This study adopted visual analysis along with observation and interview to compare the effect of social story and picture prompt strategies. Research results revealed that both picture prompt and social story strategies could reduce testee’s off-task behaviors, while picture prompt was more efficient than social story on reducing high-functioning autistic children’s off-task behaviors. Picture prompt strategy could constantly reduce high-functioning autistic children’s off-task behavior’s occurrence percentage during the introduction, comparison, final and follow-up phases. In addition, not only the off-task behaviors were reduced, this study also found that picture prompt strategy could increase testee’s homework accomplishment, accomplishing speed, reducing off-task behavior’s duration and maintain good accuracy. For further implication of the findings of this study we suggest that teachers need to make precise preparation through gathering important information about the students and through linking their life experiences to social story and picture prompt contents to match students’ comprehensive abilities and interests so that their learning efficacy and the tool’s effect will be manifested more quickly. We also advise that future researches to compare different picture prompt strategies in order to seek better presentation methods by increasing visual interests to promote students’ interests on picture prompt strategy and to manifest the efficacy of picture prompt strategy as well. Lastly, in this study the researcher had try her best to control possible carryover effect, yet some uncontrolled or unfound problems of carryover effect could still have happen. We suggest future researchers use Tryon’s C Statistics to make better control of it. In order to enhance the internal validity, we suggest, once the noticeable difference is achieved, the experiment should be moved into the next phase immediately. This study has not explored the transformation effect; future researches can also clarify this question.




