  • 學位論文


The Effect of Advertising –Regulatory Fit Perspective

指導教授 : 廖本哲


在產品資訊充斥的時代,企業應透過何種廣告訊息陳述,有效的將廣告訊息傳達給消費者,引起消費者的注意,進而發揮廣告的效果,一直以來都是廠商擬訂廣告策略的重要考慮因素。因此行銷人員應針對不同類型的消費者,安排合適的訊息陳述方式,以期能達到較佳的廣告溝通效果。 過去學者對於廣告訊息陳述的相關研究頗多,但卻很少將消費者個體間的差異納入考量。在1997年Higgins提出了調節配適的概念(regulatory fit),將個體區分成兩種不同的目標導向,分別為求成(promotion)與避敗(prevention)導向。由於消費者與廣告訊息間的配適與否,將會影響到消費者的態度,因此企業應針對不同目標導向的消費群體,給予合適的廣告,以期能發揮廣告成效。 故本研究試圖探討在不同的廣告類型中,對於兩種不同目標導向的消費者而言,在配適/無配適的情況下,是否會對於消費者態度產生影響,並進一步探討涉入程度與消費者動機的干擾效果。本研究總共分為三個實驗,分述如下: 實驗一的結果顯示,在衡量態度的題項中,配適者(求成/感性v.s.避敗/理性)較無配適者(求成/理性v.s.避敗/感性)有較高的態度。而在加入干擾變數-產品涉入後,在部分的題項中具有干擾作用。然而該干擾效果,和先前學者的看法相左,隨著受測者的涉入程度增加,配適與無配適者的態度分數差異愈大。造成這個結果的原因,可能是因為在高涉入的情況下,受測者傾向於去搜尋其他和產品相關的訊息,以求能做出最符合需要的決策,然而在問卷填答的過程中,受測者無法取得其他額外相關的資訊,以至於造成有配適者的態度分數仍然維持正面的結果,而無配適者的態度分數則是漸漸呈現負面的結果。 在實驗二與實驗三的結果顯示,在衡量態度的題項中,配適者(求成/單面v.s.避敗/雙面以及求成/正面比較v.s.避敗/負面比較)較無配適者(求成/雙面v.s.避敗/單面以及求成/負面比較v.s.避敗/正面比較)有較高的態度。並在實驗三中進一步加入衡量受測者信心水準的題項,其結果顯示在有配適的情況下,受測者對於態度題項的回答較具有信心,而在無配適情況下,其信心準較低。而加入干擾變數-消費者動機後,在部分的題項中具有干擾作用。然而該干擾效果,和先前學者的看法相左,隨著受測者的動機增加,調節配適的效果增強。 由以上敘述可以得知,消費者的調節焦點對廣告效果有明顯的影響。因此企業應針對消費者的類型,投其所好,給予適合的廣告型態,以提高廣告效益,達到預期的效果。


In our life, there are full of information around us. For marketing managers and advertisers, it is always be an important issue to choose what kind of messages should they use to present to enhance the communications with customers. The present paper considers the self-discrepancy distinguishes individuals to two types. Regulatory focus theory (Higgins 1997) points two motivational orientations: a promotion focus and prevention focus. Fit or nonfit will affect customer attitude, so for different person we should use different kind of ad. Since promotion-oriented individuals are more persuaded by gains, the emotional appeal, one-sided appeal, and positively comparative ad should lead to higher evaluations of customer attitude. In contrast, because prevention-oriented individuals are more persuaded by benefits to be lost, the rational appeal, two-sided appeal, and negatively comparative ad should induce more favorable evaluations of customer attitude. In our research, we are trying to investigate that whether fit or nonfit will affect customer’s attitude. Therefore, we also try to investigate the role of involvement and motivation. In study 1, the results show that fit will have higher attitude than nonfit. And take involvement as moderator, in some condition it will affect customer attitude. In study 2 and 3, the results also show that fit will have higher attitude than nonfit. Then we take motivation as moderator, in some condition it will affect customer attitude. In study 3, we examine the consumers’ confidence for their evaluations, the results show that fit has higher confidence than nonfit. However the results in our research are difference between the previous literatures. Maybe in the high involvement or motivation condition, participants want to search for other information which are relevant to their regulatory orientation to support their decision. But during the experiment, they can’t find any information about the product. So the attitude between fit and nonfit will become oppositely. Since the recent research on regulatory focus theory suggests that consumers’ evaluation of products and brand choice decisions are influenced by their regulatory goal. So to the marketing managers and advertisers who are concerned with the positioning of their marketing communications, our results indicate that they should use different kind of advertisements for different people to influence their attitude.


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