  • 學位論文

中華職棒場地安排策略 對觀眾數及收視率影響之研究

The Study of How the Ball Park Arrangement Strategies will Impact on Customer Attendance and Program Rating in the Chinese Professional Baseball League

指導教授 : 王如鈺


摘要 國內多位學者研究許多關於改善職棒觀眾數之議題,均為了刺激觀眾入場看球而努力。其研究之議題諸如:(1)主場行銷(黃煜,2001):球隊主場的特殊行銷方式,用來吸引觀眾入場;(2)票價(魏文聰,2004):研究定價策略對觀眾數的影響;(3)球場因素(趙政諭,1999):研究球迷之消費行為與改善球場各項品質,以吸引觀眾入場;(4)電視轉播:電視轉播對觀眾數之影響等眾多因素。 中華職棒主要的八個比賽場地分別為天母、新莊、新竹、台中、斗六、嘉義、台南及高雄澄清湖,而中華職棒現行場地安排方式,是以球團便利性與移動成本為考量,故常會將賽事安排於較相鄰近之兩球場,但可能使球迷分散,觀眾人數因而減少,但上述議題並未詳細對場次安排策略做分析,同時也是職棒聯盟所忽略的一環,因此本研究認為「場地安排策略對觀眾數之影響」是一值得探究的議題。 本研究之研究方法乃以複迴歸分析方法探討不同場地安排策略及天氣狀況,對於觀眾數及收視率所造成的影響。 主要的研究結果如下: (一)安排策略確實會影響觀眾數,分散策略會使觀眾數增加、集中策略會使觀眾數減少,證實了先前的假設,也與Donihue, Findlay and Newberry(2007) 所提出論點相同,而補賽會對觀眾數沒有顯著的影響效果,但也可透由較佳的安排方式,提升觀眾數。天氣為人類不可控制之因數,但也嚴重影響觀眾數,觀察實證結果,加入天氣之交互作用後,安排策略對於觀眾數影響力增加,由此可得知,好的安排策略,可以分散壞天氣對於減低觀眾數所帶來的風險。 (二)安排策略對於收視率而言,不具有太大的影響力,但交互作用項(天氣*補賽)對收視率具有相當大的負向影響力,原因可能是氣候不佳時安排的轉播賽多為重播,因此降低收視率。 關鍵字:職業棒球、觀眾人數、場地安排策略


Abstract Reviewing the relevant research, most scholars discussed how to improve box office of the Chinese Professional Baseball League, but it is seem null and void, so we will disscuss that how the ball park arrangement strategies will impact on customer attendance and program rating in the Chinese Professional Baseball League. This research utilizes regression to analyze the influence about ball park arrangement for customer attendance and program rating. The main results of this research are: 1. The different ball park arrangement strategies are significantly influence on the customer attendance. Good strategies will raise the box office, on the other hand, bad strategies will reduce the box office. 2. There are not significantly influence on the ball park arrangement strategies for program rating, but we find that interation are significantly influence on program rating. In the end of this research, we provide different marketing strategies for markers to practical applications. Keywords: the Chinese Professional Baseball League, ball park arrangement strategies, customer attendance, program rating


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