  • 學位論文


A Study on the Design of Courses in Applied Art─by an Example of High School Art Textbooks

指導教授 : 林昆範


國中小九年一貫課程於九十學年度起實施,為因應國中畢業生將來進入高中之後,課程上的銜接轉為順暢,因此於九十年起修訂普通高中課程綱要,其中高中美術教科書依據教育部於九十四年一月修正頒布「高中美術課程暫行綱要」,審定通過之教科書出版業者,共有六家(三民、泰宇、華興、龍騰、謳馨、科友),本研究採用「文獻探討」、「課程設計分析」為主,「專家訪談法」為輔助,並將各版本中與應用美術相關課程單元加以量化分析,藉此得知各版本在應用美術上的課程設計百分比,加以綜合分析各審定本間在課程設計上的異同,並對照國立編譯館現存依據六十年課程標準編寫的教科書版本為應用美術課程設計早期研究對象,以了解高中美術教育發展。 本研究將應用美術依據藝術辭典名詞解釋與現今大學應用美術相關系所對課程的定義加以歸納分類成七大類,將各版本各冊與應用美術相關內容加以分類,以期進行各版本課程設計的比較,依據本研究結果發現,六十年代的高中美術教科書在應用美術上著重在基礎設計的訓練,如色彩學、圖學等,而依據九十四年課綱審定本教科書,應用美術內容著重在空間設計、視覺設計、手工藝設計,其中最少提及的是基礎設計,各版本皆以學生生活相關的內容為主,以普普藝術與商品應用的結合為多數,並以主題式教學取代早期的單元式教學,訪談內容方面,各版本教科書均依照教育部頒布的課程綱要內容作為課程主要架構,再邀請相關專業教育者共同撰寫,因此儘管以課程綱要為主,在課程內容的設計上,各版本間仍有相當差異。


In year 2001, Taiwan’s junior high and elementary schools were joined together to complete a 9-year-run schooling system. To better prepare junior high school graduates for the upcoming high school curriculum, a general guideline has been designed since then. In January of 2005, Taiwan’s Ministry of Education had revised another guideline for high school art textbooks. Yet, there came six eligible publishers for textbook publication. My research is primarily based on bibliographical references and curriculum analysis along with interviewing publishing experts. Furthermore, I weigh each publisher’s copy with an analytical comparison upon percentages on applied-art-related material. Thus, we can verify any differences on course design among candidates. My paper classifies the applied-art subject into seven categories according to the applied-art dictionary and college’s design guide on applied-art textbooks while comparing the above two references to six copies from the eligible publishers. Also, I look up the National Institute of Compilation and Translation’s standard on textbook design for applied-art back in the 70s. As a result, I find that the 70s’high school art textbooks emphasize on hands-on trainings in fundamental design such chromatic study and visualization design in a primitive chapter-by-chapter fashion. In contrast, the recently published guideline focuses on architecture, interior, visualization and handcraft design rather than on the fundamental design. Yet, this new guideline approaches applied-art through students’ daily life and living environment as well as modern pop art with its applications on the markets in a various ways such as case-study. After additional interview with publishing experts, it is known that every publisher mostly follows the guidelines from Ministry of Education and invites famous education experts to wrap up the whole book. Though the backbone is basically the same, we can conclude that the lesson design within the textbook content still draws a big difference from one publisher to another.


46. 藝術教育研究編輯委員會(2007)。藝術與人文教育(上)(下)。台北,師大書苑有限公司
3. 國立彰化師範大學藝術教育研究所 http://artgrad.ncue.edu.tw/
1. 王秀雄(1986):美術教育史講義。台北:國立台灣師範大學美術研究所。
