  • 學位論文

我國股利政策法規範之再探討 —兼論公司經營團隊以股利發放與庫藏股之實施為敵意併購防禦措施之法律規制

The Review of Dividend Policy in Taiwan Corporate Law

指導教授 : 朱德芳


股利政策之制訂不僅代表一公司過去的獲利,更代表公司未來的前景,因而完善的股利政策的制訂,能有效地向投資大眾傳遞公司之訊息與價值。不過公司內部自由現金流量之操作為經營團隊權限,經營團隊有可能以此進行無效率之投資,將產生自由現金流量代理成本,故而股利政策之制訂有監控經營團隊代理成本之功效;然而股利政策之制定權限以我國公司法來看,經營團隊有制訂之權,董事會應將其所造具之各項表冊,提出於股東常會請求承認,經股東常會承認後,董事會應將財務報表及盈餘分派或虧損撥補之決議,分發各股東(公司法第230條),並有不得違法分派股利之規定,否則公司之債權人,得請求退還,並得請求賠償因此所受之損害(公司法第233條)。如此看來,股東與債權人有介入股利政策制定之餘地,惟如此的分權設計,是否能杜絕經營團隊之濫權,並有效監控經營團隊制訂之股利政策能使公司價值極大化。因而本文擬參考歐盟法與美國法之立法例,兩相比較,試圖整理出對我國股利政策有利之修法建議。 同樣地,考量到敵意併購興盛之今日,經營團隊有可能以無效率之股利政策作為防禦措施,亦將對公司價值產生不小的影響,故本文亦探討以股利政策作為防禦措施之情狀,與對公司價值可能產生的影響,而認為在敵意併購時,經營團隊與公司間之利益衝突加劇,對於防禦措施權限歸屬問題亦應作不同之思考。故參考歐盟與美國關於防禦措施之立法例,對於敵意併購時採行防禦措施權限分配之規定,與其個別之配套機制,與其中對我國敵意併購法制之立法啟發,提供立法之建議。


Dividend policy can show the company’s profit and going and a perfect dividend policy can even draw money from capital market easily. However managers have the discretion over the free cash flow of the company. It will incur agency costs of free cash flow because managers might invest it at below the cost of capital or waste it on organization inefficiencies. So in order to reduce agency costs between shareholders and managers dividend policy still is the best solution. But in Taiwan Corporate Law, managers can make the dividend policy and submit the resolutions on the surplus earning distribution to general meeting of shareholders for its ratification (Company Act § 230). If a company pays dividends and bonuses in violation of the provisions of the preceding article, creditors of the company may request rescission and may also claim for compensation for loss or damage resulted there-from. (Company Act § 233). From the studying of the Company Act, shareholders and creditors have claims over the dividend policy made by managers. But the question is the regulations of the Company Act can effectively encourage managers to make a perfect dividend policy and reduce the agency costs of free cash flow. Otherwise in this thesis I will also compare the EU’s Second Directive (77/91/EEC) with USA legislation and figure out which legislation is adaptable to Taiwan corporate law. By the rising of the hostile takeover, managers can use their discretions over dividend policy as defensive tactics to serve their own interests. This behavior not only increases the conflict of interests but also decrease the value of companies. So in hostile takeover we should rethink the allocation of powers between shareholders and directors to maximize the corporate value.


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