  • 學位論文

新竹縣新埔鎮的客語轉移現象: 三代家庭的個案研究

Language Shift in Sinpu Town, Hsinchu County: A Study of Three Generations in an Extended Family

指導教授 : 許慧如


本論文從三代家庭成員的語言態度及語言選擇,探究新埔鎮的客語轉移。新埔鎮位於新竹縣,客家人口占總人口的84.5% 。華語在西元一九四○到一九八○年間,中國國民黨的統治下,被獨尊為國語。戒嚴令解除後,保有台灣本土語言的意識覺醒。 這個覺醒甚至帶來近年語言政策的轉變。西元二○○一年起,為了要保有這些台灣語言 (客語、閩南語、和原住民語),本土語言教育全面實施。 本研究的資料透過問卷、訪談、和參與觀察收集。40位受訪者經由條件篩選,參與本研究。受試者接受問卷調查及錄音訪談。此外,研究者還用參與觀察法,觀察受試者達一個月。問卷回答被量化分析,訪談及觀察資料則被質化分析。 結果顯示從客語到華語的語言轉換,明顯發生在家庭及工作語域。訪談收集的資料,透過質化分析來了解受試者的語言態度。語言轉換和語言態度被發現是互相影響的。然而,即使大多數受試者對客語持正面態度,結果顯示大多數的受試者很少說客語。有趣的是,較高比例客語人口的地區,卻不一定等於對客語較多的保存。


客語 語言轉移 語言態度 語言選擇 台灣 新埔


This study investigated language shift of Hakka from the perspectives of language attitude and language choice of the members in a three-generation family in Sinpu, a town in Hsinchu County with 84.5% of the residents Hakka. From 1940 to 1980, Mandarin had been promoted as the only national language under the governance of the Chinese Nationalist Party (or Kuo Min Tang, KMT). After the lift of martial law, the awareness of maintaining local Taiwanese languages arose; this awareness even resulted in a language policy shift in recent years. Since 2001, local Taiwanese language education has been implemented whole through Taiwan for the purpose of maintaining these local languages (Hakka, Southern Min, and aboriginal languages). The data were collected through questionnaires, interview and observation. 40 family members were selected to participate in this study. All of them were surveyed with questionnaires, and interviewed with audio-recorder. Furthermore, these participants were observed by the manner of participation observation for one month. Questionnaire responses were analyzed quantitatively; data collected through interview and observation was analyzed qualitatively. The results indicated that language shift from Hakka to Mandarin had apparently occurred in the domains of family and work. Language attitude was examined from data collected through interview which was analyzed qualitatively. The relationship between language shift and language attitude was found of bidirectional. However, even most participants held the positive attitude toward Hakka language; the result showed most participants seldom speak Hakka language in their daily life. A finding of interest was that higher percentage of Hakka residents in population was not definitely equal to higher maintenance of Hakka language.


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