  • 學位論文

使用營建廢棄物製成再生細骨材對 混凝土影響之研究

Research on Using Construction Wastes as Fine Aggregates in Concretes

指導教授 : 何仲明


本文主要研究以營建廢棄物製成再生細骨材來取代不同比例之天然細 骨材,所拌製而成之再生混凝土,在不同水灰比下,對抗壓強度、高溫受 熱後之殘餘抗壓強度的影響,再以非破壞性檢測方法中之超音波試驗測試 超音波通過混凝土試體之速率,以及微觀性質之燒失量試驗求其燒失量及 水化反應,以期佐證實驗之結果。 實驗結果顯示,再生細骨材取代比例越高,抗壓強度、高溫受熱後之 殘餘抗壓強度及超音波波速會逐漸降低,特別在高水灰比及高取代量下, 影響甚大。以再生細骨材全取代之再生混凝土,抗壓強度較天然混凝土折 減約20~35%,高溫受熱後之殘餘抗壓強度較常溫折減約27~32%。燒失 量方面,由於受到原營建廢棄物所附著之水泥砂漿影響,取燒失量試驗之 試樣時,會連舊有之水泥漿體也一併摻雜進去,其舊有水泥漿體之燒失量 值高達29%。受此影響使得燒失量和水化程度反常的並未隨著抗壓強度減 弱而數值跟著減少,而是再生細骨材取代量越大,燒失量及水化程度越大, 受高溫火害後之混凝土其燒失量試驗也呈如此現象。


The aim of this research is to study the effect on recycled concrete using construction wastes to replace natural fine aggregates in various percentages. The effect on recycled concretes of different water/cement include compressive strength, compressive strength after subjected to high temperatures, and Nondestructive Testing(NDT) such as ultrasonic pulse transmission test. Finally, we use the loss of ignition to test recycled concrete’s value degree of hydration to proof the experiment results. From experiment results of this research, it is found that, when more recycled fine aggregates are use, the compressive strength before and after subjected to a high temperature are both decreased. The ultrasonic pulse velocity also decreases gradually, especially when more recycled fine aggregates and high water/cement ratio are used. When 100% recycled fine aggregates are used, the compressive strength of concrete is reduced by about 20% to 35%. The compressive strength after subjected to high temperature will be reduced by about 27% to 32%. The construction wastes contain old mortar, which has an ignition lost of 29%. So when we take the mortar on recycled concrete to perform lost of ignition test, it is unavoidable that the specimen must contain some old mortar. Due to this reason, when use more recycled fine aggregates, the value of loss of ignition and degree of hydration will increase gradually, so is the compressive strength after subjected to high temperature.


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