  • 學位論文


Applying the Continuous Botanical Design to Create New Fabric Patterns for Value-Added Creative Products

指導教授 : 程萬里


中文摘要   在諸多視覺表現領域之中,紋樣造形不需過度考量繪畫的藝術性,也不必拘泥於文字的章法,為實用性與泛用性兼備的表現形式。中國的唐草紋樣發展自成體系,從古至今廣泛的運用在各種載體中,包括書畫、織品、器物、建築、印刷等,各具有其輝煌的特色與表現,並融匯各時代背景與外來文化的影響,展現出獨樹一格的造形風格。時至今日,與西方植物紋樣各自呈現出不同的文化特色與民族色彩,西方紋樣的系統整合與歷經時代性的再設計應用,將紋樣廣泛應用於各生活領域中,而東方紋樣的造形原理與組織架構尚未明確,仍多以傳統描繪的形式呈現。   本研究以加值應用性較高之唐、宋兩代之唐草紋樣做為研究設計的樣本,藉由西方應用於紋樣設計的編排模組與設計觀點,轉化於唐宋古典植物紋樣造形之視覺再設計,並整合應用於織品產業。現今市場上各國際品牌的商品式樣,以及傳統古典連續性紋樣的再設計,其連續性紋樣的視覺呈現雖予人千變萬化的感受,但其中仍有特定的編組模式可循。因此,本研究藉由數位化、模組化與系統化的造形方式,進行唐草紋樣做的再設計,並導入市場定位與品牌形象,應用於刺繡織品產業,以具有高附加價值及豐富的表現形式之刺繡織品設計,最後落實於終端產品,完成系統化傢飾織品的產出。以上成果希冀賦予紋樣新時代的生命能量,並為台灣視覺領域相關產業提供產學合作之參考模式。


紋樣 造形 產學合作


Abstract Among various visual forms, pattern is one which unites applicability and popularity without excessive regard on artistry and character presentations. Continuous botanical design has been developed to its own style, which has been commonly used and assembled by different cultures and background to perform its unique fashion style, including painting, textile, utensils, architecture and publishing etc. In contrast to continuous botanical design, Western botanical design has gone through systematic integration and modernistic redesign and has been widely used. However, most continuous botanical design, which have not been developed to organize frames and forms were only presented in duplicate formats. This study used high value-added Tang and Sung Dynasty patterns as design origins, and adopted western patterns grouping model and design method to assist in the re-design of Tang and Sung Dynasty botanical patterns, which will be applied to textile industry. Many international brands and re-design of traditional continuous botanical design are kaleidoscopic, but there are still certain characteristic grouping models to be followed. Hence, this research introduces the re-design of continuous botanical patterns, which will be used by the value-added textile industry to accomplish systematic textile production by digitalized modular methods. This goal of this study is to determine a new method for redesign of continuous botanical patterns to be applied to the textile industry. It is also to anticipate a reference model for industry-university cooperation to be established in Taiwan.


