  • 學位論文


Exploring the Effect of Transactional Distance on Learning Outcomes in Online and Traditional Classroom Settings

指導教授 : 陳滄堯


隨著資訊科技的的蓬勃發展與網際網路的日益普及,線上學習已成為縮減學習時間與空間限制及改善學習資源短缺的有效方式,而傳統學習模式也因科技的進步而帶來了變革。研究顯示國內大專院校建置學習管理平台的比率高達90%(Chen & Ho, 2008)、各政府單位如公務人力發展中心及國家文官培訓所,亦積極建置線上網路學習管理平台,提供多元化的學習環境,由此可知運用資訊科技於學習活動己漸漸普及且備受重視。 學者Moore於1972年提出「互動性距離理論」(Theory of Transactional Distance),指出在遠距教學中學習者與教師是因時間、地理區域不同而被分隔,但時空的區隔並非影響學習的重點,其中課程設計、教學方式、師生互動、學習方式,更是應該所重視的議題,遠距教育中的互動,指的是在教師與學習者因學習環境產生分隔,進而對教師的教學方式與學習者的學習模式產生了交互影響,因此在學習者心理與溝通上產生了距離,即為互動性距離(Moore , 1993);由此可知,Moore的互動性距離指的並不是教師、學生彼此間的實體距離,而是師生關係的心理距離。本研究藉由傳統學習與線上學習兩種不同學習方式,以互動性距離理論探討師生關係的心理距離,希望研究結果能協助教師透過課程結構及教學活動的設計,讓教師與學生不因學習媒介的差異而產生疏離感,進而有助於學生的學習成效。 本研究以高中階段學生為研究對象,採問卷調查法,輔以焦點團體法進行質性資料搜集,對研究結果進行三角驗證。研究顯示,對話與課程結構對於互動性距離具有顯著影響。在「對話」構面的研究結果發現,不論是在傳統學習或是線上學習的課程中,對話頻率越高、互動次數越頻繁,則在學習者心理的距離感是較為接近的,因此驗證了先前學者的研究結果。在「結構」構面研究結果則顯示,課程結構越高,學習者的心理感受也是較為接近的,此結果與上述學者的研究則不一致。量化的研究結果,無法解釋得此研究結論與先前學者研究結果相反的原因,而從質性資料可解釋研究結果差異之可能原因。 在學習自主性方面,研究結果顯示「學習者自主性」的確是「互動性距離」與「學習成效」間的調節變項,亦同時支持了Moore於1993年所提出「學習者會因自主性高低的不同而偏好不同程度的互動性距離課程」(Moore, 1993, 5)觀點。


The development of the Internet and information technology has brought popularity of online learning. Online learning has the advantage to reduce the learning time, space constraints in learning and the shortage of learning resources. The advances in technology also brought change in traditional learning environment. Research shows the implementation of learning management system in higher education institutions is as high as 90% (Chen & Ho, 2008). It can be seen the use of information technology for learning has gained great popularity. The first attempt to define distance education and to articulate a theory appeared in 1972 by Michael Moore, which was later called the theory of transactional distance. In Moore’s view distance education is not simply a geographic separation of learners and teachers, but, more importantly, is a pedagogical concept. Transactional distance is a concept describing the universe of teacher-learner relationships that exist when learners and instructors are separated by space and/ or by time (Moore, 1993, 1).It is separation of learners and teachers that profoundly affects both teaching and learning. With separation there is a psychological and communications that is the transactional distance. This study investigates on learning in both traditional learning and online learning environment to explore the psychological and communications between teachers and students with the theory of transactional distance. A survey questionnaire is administered to a group of high school students, supplemented by qualitative focus group interview, for data collection. The result of the study show that in the "dialogue" dimension, in both traditional learning or online learning course, the higher the frequency of the dialogue, the more frequent the interaction, hence the psychological sense of distance of the learners is close. This verifies the research findings of scholars. In the "structure" dimension shows that when the course is more structure, the learners’ perception of transactional distance is reduced. In the "learner autonomy" dimension, the study shows that leaner autonomy could moderate the relation between transactional distance and the learning effect.


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