  • 學位論文


The Study on an Operation Model for Automatic Warehouse System with Shared Shelves

指導教授 : 項衛中


周延的物料搬運系統設計,可提昇工廠生產力、降低在製品存量、避免系統超載情況。然而,在設計時,必須考慮該產業之相關特性與限制條件,方能符合生產狀況。當工廠的內外環境發生變動時,搬運系統的應用就與設計時條件完全不同,必須重新加以評估改進。 本研究中,案例廠因觸控面板應用新風潮,由彩色濾光片製造廠轉型生產觸控面板。因限於空間及景氣環境,觸控面板生產線的自動倉儲儲存量並不足夠,需調用彩色濾光片自動倉儲提供儲存,此項決策在目前自動化搬運控制系統設計,缺乏詳細的有效規劃,本研究以模擬軟體為分析工具,探討此決策對彩色濾光片與觸控面板產品產出之影響,並以實驗設計法,評估較合適的運作策略,以提供現場生產管理參考。 本研究倉儲儲位比例與TP投料速度及派車法則為實驗因子,並以彩色濾光片產出量與觸控面板產出量為績效指標,由變異數分析得知,倉儲儲位比例與TP投料速度及派車法則皆為顯著因子,研究結果顯示若兩倉儲系統獨立運作,彩色濾光片產出量在以最短距離派車法,每30分鐘投入一片時產量最高。觸控面板產出量則在彩色濾光片倉儲提供40%儲位及最短距離派車法,TP投料速度為29分鐘一片時產量最高。依產品的獲利率,觸控面板產出量具有1.3倍的權數,並以總獲利績效指標,當彩色濾光片倉儲提供20%儲位,採用最短距離派車法,每隔30分投片時總獲利最大。本研究推薦以此因子組合作為改善的建議提案。


共用儲位 系統模擬


A well designed material handling system can improve throughput, reduce WIP and avoid overloading the plant. However, the design should fulfill the requirements of the plant. Whenever the operation environment of the plant has changed, the material handling system needs to find a way to match the change. In this study, due to new demands of touch panel, a color filter manufacturing plant plans to restructure material handling system for producing touch panel. However, the economic environment and plant space are limited, therefore stocker storage capacity of touch panel production line is not enough, color filter stocker needs to share storage space for it. This decision needs detailed and effective planning for the automatic material handling system .This study explores the effect of stocker sharing plan of touch panel and color filter, and the simulation method is used to evaluate appropriate operation models with design of experiment. In this experiment, the ratio of shared shelves, touch panel releasing rate and vehicle dispatching rule are the independent factors. Color filter and touch panel throughputs are performance indexes. ANOVA showed that all three independent factors were significant. The outcome showed that if these two stockers work independently, releasing one glass every 30 minutes with shortest dispatching rule, the color filter line had the best throughput. If color filter stocker shared 40% of shelves and releasing one glass every 29 minutes with shortest dispatching rule, the touch panel line had the best throughput. Base on the profit of both products, touch panel has thirty percent more profit than color filter. Using total profit as performance index, with color filter stocker sharing 20% of shelves, and releasing one glass every 30 minutes, and shortest dispatching rule, the operation gains the highest total profit.


Simulation Shared shelves


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