  • 學位論文


Development of Lean Production System for High-Variety High-Volume Manufacturing System

指導教授 : 江瑞清


本研究的目的是針對多樣大量(HVHV)的製造系統,建構一個精實生產系統 (LPS)的發展藍圖,並應用適當的改善工具,以得到顯著的改善成效。HVHV的條件不同於傳統汽車產業的精實生產系統,我們要了解兩者之間的差異。本研究調整精實生產系統的主要工具-價值溪流圖(VSM)讓其可以適用於HVHV的製造系統。在文獻中提到,當有計畫的執行VSM,將可以減少浪費,並有效益的發展未來理想狀態。本研究中的發展藍圖將結合VSM與適當的改善工具,協助發展應用於HVHV的精實生產系統,此發展藍圖藉由提供改善工具清單,進而預防因使用錯誤工具或工具之使用順序錯誤,所造成的有價值資源之浪費,以達到精實生產的目的。在經過本研究驗證後,此發展藍圖可應用於實務,證明精實的概念可以發展在HVHV製造系統上,做為往後改善流程之藍圖。


The goal of this study is to build roadmap in develop lean production system (LPS) for high-variety high-volume (HVHV) manufacturing system together with appropriate improvement tools which will give the significant improvement impact. The difference of nature characteristic between HVHV and original lean production system that has a characteristic of an automobile company must be understood. Here value stream mapping (VSM) which adjusted to HVHV manufacturing system condition act as main tool. In many papers VSM has proved effective to develop a future-state with less waste along with a plan to implement it. The roadmap presented in this study will show combination of VSM and option of appropriate improvement tools to help develop LPS for HVHV manufacturing system. The roadmap also useful to prevent valuable resources wasted in using the wrong technique or even using right technique in incorrect sequence and it offers list of tools that can be chosen by the implementer to help the implementer reach the level of leanness that desired. From the verification step it seems that the roadmap is applicable in practical use, the lean concept can be developed in HVHV manufacturing system. The VSM which has adjusted to HVHV manufacturing system successfully act as blue print to guide the improvement process, and also the improvement impact is significant.


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