  • 學位論文


Application of lean management to improve the efficiency of preparing raw materials for the chemical industry

指導教授 : 洪宗乾




This paper is to find an efficient method for these jobs related to preparing the raw powder materials in a chemical company. We find that selecting a shortest path to convey needed raw materials to preparing room and designing an efficient process to prepare these materials are the two most important jobs. These two jobs take most of the time of the works of preparation. We use the concepts of "lean production management", "3D printing technology", and "Route planning" to find the wastes of these two jobs and, then, provide the strategy to shorten almost 26.57% of the working hours for the preparation process. The result implements in a chemical company and helps the company to shorten the works of preparation on Friday from 12 hours to around 8 hours as the company has to prepare the raw materials for the production lines for the coming three days, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Thus, the company can save overtime pay and, meanwhile, the worker for the work of preparation can leave for home much earlier on Friday than before.


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