  • 學位論文


The Study of Influencing the Willingness of Online shopping and the Way of Purchasing on E-auction

指導教授 : 林震岩


摘要 隨著電子商務的成熟和快速發展,利用網路取代實體店鋪進行交易已經成為大時代的趨勢,其中又以C2C模式的「網路拍賣」為其中翹楚,彈性的價格空間、豐富的產品資訊和高度的購物樂趣往往讓人對於網拍產生無可抗拒的誘因,但也由於過多人的加入競標,讓網路拍賣的議價過程變得非常冗長,讓現今不少買家轉而傾向使用賣家所提供的「直接購買價」來直接購得商品以節省競標所花的時間,加上近年來網拍詐騙層出不窮,買家對於網路交易的安全保障都存在著相當程度的懷疑和不確定性,因此更助長了「直接購買」的使用空間和頻率。而根據資策會MIC(2009)指出,選擇「直接購買」或「競標」的比率已經越來越有拉大的情況產生,將近每10個人中就有8個人會選擇直接購買的方式購物,造成網路拍賣的C2C模式正面臨前所未有的挑戰和轉型。 由於過去研究主要以探討「網路購買意願」為大宗,較缺少探討「購買方式」的研究,因此本研究統整過去的文獻並輔以「交易成本」的觀點來做進一步分析,探討「網路購買意願」對於「購買方式」選擇的影響,另外也分析「個人基本資料」、「網購意願影響因素」和「拍賣機制」對於各構面的影響,而本研究的結論如以下所示: (1)性別、年齡、教育程度和每月零用金對於網購意願影響因素有顯著的相關;網路使用經驗也能夠有效影響網購意願影響因素。 (2)教育程度、每月零用金、網路使用經驗和網路購買意願呈現正向相關。 (3)男性喜愛競標、女性則偏好直接購買,年齡越大的買家越偏好使用競標;網拍年資和上網時數越久的買家,越喜愛使用直接購買的方式購物。 (4)除了產品的價格高低和買家的衝動特性外,產品特性、買家特性、網站特性和買家信任都和網路購買意願呈現正向相關。 (5)產品功能越複雜、買家價格知覺越高、網站安全性越有保障,買家越有傾向參與競標。 (6)網路購買意願雖然未能有效影響購買方式的選擇,但大致可看出網路購買意願和使用直接購買的機率呈現負向相關。 (7)一元起標價的設定對於網路購買意願和使用直接購買的機率呈現負向相關;底價的設定則會大致扭轉原本購買意願和購買方式間的關係。 關鍵字:網路拍賣、網購意願、購買方式、競標、直接購買、交易成本


Abstract With the rise of the E-commerce, it’s a current trend to deal by the internet especially through the E-auction, which contains flexible price, plentiful product information and great shopping enjoyment that attracts so many people to join the virtual market instead of the physical channel, but it also leads to wasting too much time on reaching the final price and dealing uncertainty. In order to save precious time and avoid safety problems, buyers tend to excecute the “Buy-it Now” button more frequently than usual to prevent fraud to happen when joining bidding, and according to the report form MIC(2009), the ratio between choosing to “bid”or ”buyout” is already extremely unbalance, forcing the E-auction to face the challenge of transformation in recent years. Due to the past researches being short of discussing the way of purchasing on e-auction, this study not only aims to analyze the relation between the “willingness of online shopping” and ”way of purchasing” with the perspective of “transaction cost”, but the effects of “personal data”, “influencing factors of e-shopping willingness” and “auction funcion” to every single conception. The major findings of this study are as follows: (1)”Gender”, “age”, “education level”, and “monthly petty cash” are related to “influencing factors of e-shopping willingness” significantly, as well as “internet using experience”. (2) “Education level”, “monthly petty cash” and “internet using experience” are positively related to “willingness of online shopping”. (3)Males like to bid, females prefer to buyout, and elders tend to join bidding; experienced buyers like to execute “Buy-it Now” more often. (4)Except for the product’s price and buyer’s impulse, “influencing factors of e-shopping willingness” are all positively related to “willingness of online shopping”. (5)The more function of product, price perception of buyers and reliability of website, the more tendencies to join bidding. (6)Although “willingness of online shopping” doesn’t have direct impact on “way of purchasing” significantly, it still shows that “willingness of online shopping” is negatively related to the probability of using buyout. (7)Setting “One-dollar public price” having negative interaction effect between “willingness of online shopping” and the probability of using buyout; setting “reserve price” may reverse the relation between “willingness of online shopping” and ”way of purchasing”. Key words: E-auction, willingness of online shopping, way of purchasing, bidding, buyout, transaction cost


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