  • 學位論文


Taiwanese architecture in the transition period from Japanese colonial period to Nationalist government: A Study of Mr. Li Chung Yueh

指導教授 : 薛琴


日治時期台灣建築教育有台灣總督府工業講習所、台北工業學校、台中工業學校、嘉義工業學校及台南工業學校等校,其中私立學校則由東洋協會向台灣總督府申請創辦「台灣商工」實業學校,於1917年(大正六年)三月十三日,獲准成立,並定名為「東洋協會台灣支部附屬私立台灣商工學校」。這是台灣第一所私立職業學校,更是台灣早期建築教育的培育重鎮 。 李重耀先生曾於西元1943年~1945年(昭和18~20年)在總督府營繕課擔任「工手」一職、西元1945年~1947年歷經行政長官公署、西元1947年~1958年台灣省政府建設廳的年代。就台灣建築界對於這段歷史研究,雖有初步成果但仍相當有限。 本文主要對此三階段進行訪談,並與史料、文獻結合後,建立出李重耀先生與時代的關係,全文分析結果如下: 一、 受日治時期台灣商工老師的影響,結合總督府營繕課實務經驗,所謂「建教合作」,李重耀建築師得以學習自日本明治維新後,完整的建築基礎培養。 二、 總督府賦予建築經驗養成,然一九四五年開始,更给與李重耀先生在建築實務上修復、設計的機會,成為臺灣戰後「修復建設期」的影響人物之一。 三、 「臺灣轉型期」 建築師,主要受日本建築教育影響,而時代賦予的則是戰後考驗。結合歷史,李重耀先生成就歷史賦予的責任,並走出屬於自己的建築之路。


臺灣建築師 李重耀 古蹟


During Japanese colonial period, Taiwan Architecture institutes included Industrial School of the Japanese Viceroy’s Office in Taiwan, which later renamed as Public Taipei School of Industry , Public Taichung School of Industry, Public Chiayi School of Industry, Public Tainan School of Industry and etc. Among these schools, Taiwan Vocational School of Commerce and Industry, later renamed as Kai Nan Industrial Professional School, was founded on March 13th 1917 and was not only the first private vocational school but also the most important incubator of Taiwanese architects. Mr. Li Chung Yueh had been worked as construction administrator of the Office of the Taiwan Governor-General (1943-1945), work under the office of the Chief Executive in Taiwan Province (1945-1947) and the Construction office of Taiwan Province from 1947 to 1958. There were some Taiwanese Architecture study of Japanese colonial period but was not fruitful and need further exploration. This study focused on the three important periods of Architect Li and was based on one-to-one interview with Mr. Li, Taiwan history record, and reference documents to provide insight view of Li’s life and his relevance of Taiwan Architecture eras. He learned all the modern architecture of Japanese Meiji Restoration from his teachers of Taiwan Vocational School of Commerce and Industry and his on-hands experience as construction administrator in the Office of the Taiwan overnor-General. With his prior practice during the Japanese colonial time, Li got more opportunities to participate in restoration and design of public projects and became one of the most influential architect during Taiwan reconstruction period starting from 1945 to 1958. Li was born in Taiwan, received professional and modern Japanese architecture in Taiwan and lived and contributed with all the important events of Taiwan history; therefore, Li was one of the most important Taiwan-born architects during Taiwan transforming period and reached the highest accomplishment and lead his own way of architecture


Taiwan Architect Monuments Li Chung Yueh


1992 《從日本神社談桃園神社修建》,台北市:李重耀建築師事務所。
